7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blog

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 162)

Thou shalt not touch anything in a man’s shed, better yet, thou shalt not even enter a man’s shed.
Every Australian woman knows that ‘All Australian Boys Need a Shed’ and that their shed is sacrosanct.  20 years of marriage and I should know far better by now, but… a couple of weekends ago I decided that PC needed help with cleaning out his shed.   I’m nesting, what can I say.  (I can see my college children reading this, shaking their heads and knowing what came next, “Mum, mum, mum, what were you thinking?!!?) Well yes it wasn’t pretty, and I should, and do, know better. Is it only Australian men who are so territorial about their sheds?  

It’s all a matter of perspective, we(wives) view the matter as helping, they(husbands) perceive that we would be far better helping elsewhere to free them up to clean the shed themselves.  Message received. After further communication we did end up ‘moving along’ several articles of furniture to a good cause and The Shed floor is once again visible:)

Tax returns have been lodged and monies have been deposited into our bank account.   I’m so giddy, so very, very excited I have to pinch myself.  It is looking very possible that will will have sufficient to do the bathrooms and laundry!!!!!  I’m thinking hardware and tiles.

After twelve months of uncertainty for our parish and our next door neighbour parish with an interim priest and assistant priest filling in we have the final decision.  Both parishes have been amalgamated and our  interim and assistants priest are now our permanent priests.  Uncertainty is never good, so pleased to have an end to being in limbo.

Open Uni probably hasn’t been the right path for one of our teens, we’re currently assessing the next step.  We’re considering Pathway Courses that many Universities offer.  This is a 6 month, free course in foundational studies, followed by a direct entry acceptance into their University.

Our annual sports day was a roaring success.  67 children registered, some children traveling from as far away as over 2 hours to attend.  The weather was perfect and the children participated with willing hearts.  I haven’t yet uploaded photos as I suspect I didn’t capture many, too busy organising, however Karen and Deanne have shared some shots.  Some of our children are naturally athletic and they did very well, placing in many events, Jelly Bean(9) and Einstein(16) were very excited to win for the very first time, Championship medallions for their age divisions.  Not only are we proud of our children who place however, but we are very proud of our children who never, or rarely place and yet keep having a go each year.

We went for our 20 week scan this week (actually I’m 22 weeks) and all is good:)   We were so very, very tempted to find out the gender but in the end decided not to know, I’m pleased we resisted. Though it would make it easier in some ways, certainly I’d know for sure if I have to keep searching for a boys name or not.

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  • Laura Pearl

    My husband doesn't have a shed, but he does have a [way too messy] workroom in the basement, with tools and sawdust covering every inch of the floor; and he also has a [way too messy] desk area that looks like a tornado swept by it. I have learned, after 32 years of marriage (actually, I learned a while back), that he doesn't like it when I try to "organize" his stuff. It's so hard to look at messes, though, when I know how orderly everything could be!

    I have five sons, and not ONE of them inherited their mother's need for organization. I'm relying on their wives/future wives!!

  • Jenny

    I am always so tempted to find out boy or girl, but my husband absolutely does not want to know and he thinks, um..knows, that within minutes of me knowing he would know too! I had to go in 1 week before our last baby was born to have an ultra sound b/c they thought the baby might be getting too big (he was 11 pounds and they thought 9…missed it!) anyway, I asked the tech to stop when she could tell and let me see if I could tell…I could! and I kept it a secret for the remaining week.
    3-2-1 Party

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