7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blog

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 102)

It turns out PC has pneumonia!  His second time around.  Fortunately though, we appear to have caught it in the early stages and he is not as bad as previously, but still, not good. Please keep him in your prayers.

Well we are calling it quits to our official school year here.  Next week we plan to enjoy  Advent crafts and exams.  Our children tell us they’d like to do exams, they think it might be rather fun, so I’m writing exam questions this weekend.

My thoughts have flickered a time or two towards next year’s academics.  After reading my friend Linda’s plans for next year, I’ve been considering how to ensure more time with my teens.  I’m contemplating working 3 days only with my younger crew, leaving 2 full days to extend my teens.  Thinking it could work.

Talking education, I’ve been over at the new Australian National Curriculum having a peek around.  Truth to tell I quite like the layout, I don’t find it too full of teacherese.  I particularly like the ‘Achievement Standard’ points (click on Curriculum and then grade, look under subject). What I would like to find is all those points in a bullet form layout or a scope and sequence, like this one for maths. Anyone seen this info for all subjects in a simple list form?

It is true, in many ways older children take more emotional energy and time.  Very rewarding though.

Did you notice the new tab headings at the top of my page?  I have so longed to do this and thanks to a very talented friend who is clever at blog technology I finally have tabs:)

We have our last swimming lesson next week and are very happy with the progress made this term.  Princess loves her squad, and her teacher is most happy with her progress.  Jelly Bean can swim 25m in freestyle and backstroke, Jack Jack has grown in confidence and can easily move across the pool with a  kickboard.

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  • Gae

    Dear Erin,
    The tabs are great, good for you!
    I guess I should look at those Australian Curriculum stuff. But it just rubs me the wron g way.
    have a fun exam planning weekend.
    love Gae

  • alecat

    Yay for you all having completed another year! We're continuing for another two weeks, then we'll call it quits for a while.

    Older children DO need more time .. I'm learning that too, now! It seems like there's still so much to learn and so little time, but it's all perspective, isn't it?! As long as there's the love of learning, it just keep happening for the rest of their lives.

    Praying PC gets well very soon.

  • Anonymous

    Love the new tabs … makes it easier to go for a stroll in interesting areas and then get back to home page.
    YGF – Your Greatest Fan

  • Erin

    and lots of emotional energy.

    My Greatest Fan
    :):) thank you:) Glad you no longer have your original scepticism;)

    Why Lauren, Thank you!

    T, He really did, didn't he. He is finally much better as I made him take a few days off work.

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