Blog,  Hearth & Health,  In the Library

A Bibliophile Declares, Perfect:)

Recently I realised that our library pics are outdated and blurry.  Thought I’d treat you to a tour of one of the most popular rooms in our house.

From the door looking in, it’s rare to find the room empty. The first three bookcases running along the left are; Australian, Childen’s Faith and History.  The three shelves above are;  Australian and Adult Faith books.

Walking immediately forward and standing in the far left corner, I manage to not overexpose this shot.
The bookcases on the left of this corner are series; girls, boys, mysteries, literature sets, favourite authors, early readers, nature and science and school texts.  Along the top is adult fiction, health, parenting and homeschooling inspiration.

Crossing to the far right corner, looking back toward the door.
The plastic bins on the floor house some of our picture books. These are; Australian, Faith and Classics.  The bookcase in the far corner houses more picture books sorted into; literacy, numeracy, authors, classics, history/geography and animal stories.

Tucked into the ‘near right’ corner (to the door), a reader wanders in searching for a book.
The bookcase to the right of the window is more teen literature, mostly of a more classical nature.  Along the top runs adult fiction, male adventures, Bible and hymn books.

Reader settles in for a cosy read.
On each shelf I’ve printed out labels to assist the ‘reader membership’ and for smooth shelving.

The Reader is joined by his younger brother, these lazy chairs sure see a lot of use.
The majority of our books have either been gifted or sourced from opshops and book sales.  Very few have been purchased new.  We are very blessed indeed to be able to give our family such a rich gift.

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