7 Quick Takes Friday

  • Blog,  7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blogging - Link Ups

    7 Quick Takes: Lots of Projects

      Head on over to This Ain’t the Lyceum to read more 7QT for this week.   1 We use the Readerware database to keep track of our extensive collections of movies and books. I love being able to track what books (and movies) we do and don’t have and one day I’m going to splurge and buy the mobile phone app as well, it will save having to ring from town asking my teens to check the database. It’s rather fun hearing the beep as the scanner reads each bar code as new books enter our home (and the database), yep I’m a nerd.  One thing irks me though, some sellers place their price tag…

  • Blog,  7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blogging - Link Ups

    7 Quick Takes: Spinning Plates

    Head on over to This Ain’t the Lyceum to read more 7QT for this week.   1 When I take a look at our calendar for the upcoming month I nearly hyperventilate, there is so much happening in our life at present, so many ‘plates’ I need to start ‘spinning’ and keep them spinning weeks prior to the events. Two birthdays, which translates to deciding on and ordering presents online weeks ahead, it is also a party year for one child, so invites to go out and party games and food to be planned and executed. There’s my sister’s engagement party which will involve a seven hour round trip in one day. A Family Reunion…

  • Blog,  7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blogging - Link Ups

    7 Quick Takes: Engagements And More Engagements

    Head on over to This Ain’t the Lyceum to read more 7QT for this week.   1 Just over a month ago I wrote my first 7 Quick Takes after four years and had every intention regards sharing 7QT’s regularly, and yet three more 7QT’s have gone by and I’ve been missing in action.  Though if you’ve been reading my blog you’d realise plenty has been happening here in the interim. Five days after that post we were threatened with a bushfire, in which we were evacuated and subsequently had 85% of our land burnt, fortunately our house was spared. Too we’ve been enjoying the news and flurry of action since our eldest son Carpenter became…

  • Blog,  7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blogging - Link Ups

    7 Quick Takes: ‘Back in the Saddle’

    Head on over to This Ain’t the Lyceum to read more 7QT for this week. 1 Yes, yes I’m back writing 7 Quick Takes after a four year hiatus from 7QT.  If I have any readers left, which would surprise me 😉 you would have noticed I’ve hardly written anything for the past year. When tossing around ideas on how to get out of my blogging slump I decided committing to 7 Quick Takes, something I used to do regularly back in my blogging hey day could be a great way to get the creative juices flowing. So why haven’t I being writing? There is the standard, “life is so full”…

  • 7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blog

    7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 212)

    1 Logged onto my computer tonight to discover my number one fan PC, disappointed that I hadn’t yet written this week’s 7 Quick Takes, had hacked my drafts and written seven points for me! #1.  I am cool and serene #2.  I am in control of all things #3.  I am the best person for the job at hand #4.  Welcome to my world where I reign supreme #5.  I get the best results from everything I do #6.  I succeed where others would stumble and fall #7.  Enjoy my seven extremely good takes this week 2 You may note PC has a theme interwoven, it’s all relating to my…

  • 7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blog

    7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 211)

    1 Remember last week’s dramas? I was hoping we were all done with dramas, but not quite so, there was one more left and I’m still traumatised. Bella (10 months) pulled a chair onto herself, with it landing on her face, she has pushed her cute little eye tooth back up the gum, the gum is a horrible bruised colour, she may have damaged the tooth and it may be discoloured only time will tell.  Chairs now line the walls of the dining room, they no longer tuck under the table, they are added to my list of ‘watch out for’s’ along with water buckets, pool gates, reversing cars, lego…

  • 7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blog

    7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 210)

    1 I believe we have just survived the ‘week of all weeks!’ I should never had said it was to be our first week all term with no interruptions! Three major, unplanned, emotion packed events occurred this week, that is aside from normal emotional moments of life with the needs of many!! Let’s see… 2 Tuesday Bass(3) was injured playing on the trampoline, he cried and complained of a sore neck, not wanting to move it, obviously I was concerned about spinal injuries. I took him into the hospital for a CAT scan, very scary moments.  I admit I was feeling reasonable sure he was okay but when I saw…

  • 7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blog

    7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 209)

    1 As Jelly Bean is finally keen on reading:):) a lot of time this week was devoted to researching book lists for early chapter books, then searching our library’s online catalogue.   It appears that books for this age is firmly divided into boy and girl titles, as several book reviewers have commented this is only a new phenomena, certainly in the 70s we all (boys and girls) read the same books. 2 Joined our local ‘give away’ group on facebook this week and was totally astounded at how fast the school cupboards I was offering went.  They were ‘taken’ within 30 minutes! It’s a totally fascinating group, many contributors are very…

  • 7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blog

    7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 208)

    1 Needing some foodie blog inspiration, do you have any to recommend? Specifically whole foods/fermenting/grain free food blogs. Particularly love to find Australian blogs 2 Listening to people talk to their children in public makes me cringe at times.  I know we can all have bad days, I know many of us have been guilty at times of not talking to our children with respect, but really we need to stop and think.  Not doubting their love for their children, but they wouldn’t talk to their peers like that, why talk to your children in such a manner? 3 Bass has become rather territorial about a yellow bowl, he insists…