| | 47 Degrees | D'Ath, Justin | | | Black Saturday, Bushfire | | 12-17 Years | In Print | dath-justin | | | black-saturday bushfire | | 12-17-years | in-print |
| | Applesauce and the Christmas Miracle | Millard, Glenda | King, S M | | Bushfire, Christmas, Drought | | 5-10 Years | In Print | millard-glenda | king-s-m | | bushfire christmas drought | | 5-10-years | in-print |
| | Ash Road | Southall, Ivan | | | Bushfire | AO Aust PD, AO7 Aust PD | 11-15 Years | In Print | southall-ivan | | | bushfire | ao-aust-pd ao7-aust-pd | 11-15-years | in-print |
| | Bilby and the Bushfire | Crawford, Joanne | Fielding, Grace | | Bilby, Bushfire | | 3-7 Years | Out Of Print | crawford-joanne | fielding-grace | | bilby bushfire | | 3-7-years | out-of-print |
| | Fabish : The Horse That Braved a Bushfire | McMullin, Neridah | McLean, Andrew | | Black Friday, Bushfire, Horses | | 5-10 Years | In Print | mcmullin-neridah | mclean-andrew | | black-friday bushfire horses | | 5-10-years | in-print |
| | February Dragon | Thiele, Colin | | | Bushfire | AO Aust PD, AO5 Aust PD, MA2:2 Aust | 10-14 Years | In Print | thiele-colin | | | bushfire | ao-aust-pd ao5-aust-pd ma22-aust | 10-14-years | in-print |
| | Fire | French, Jackie | Whatley, Bruce | Natural Disaster | Bushfire | | 5-12 Years | In Print | french-jackie | whatley-bruce | natural-disaster | bushfire | | 5-12-years | in-print |
| | Firestorm | Carr, Roger Vaughan | | | Ash Wednesday, Bushfire | | 12-17 Years | Out Of Print | carr-roger-vaughan | | | ash-wednesday bushfire | | 12-17-years | out-of-print |
| | Grandpa's Farm: A Summer's Day | Robinson, Alan | Robinson, Alan | | Bushfire, Farm | | 4-8 Years | Out Of Print | robinson-alan | robinson-alan | | bushfire farm | | 4-8-years | out-of-print |
| | Koala | Saxby, Claire | Vivas, Julie | Nature Storybooks | Bushfire, Koalas, Mammals, Marsupial Mammals | | 4-12 Years | In Print | saxby-claire | vivas-julie | nature-storybooks | bushfire koalas mammals marsupial-mammals | | 4-12-years | in-print |
| | Mama and Hug | Darlison, Aleesah | Charlton, Heather | | Bushfire, Koala | | 3-7 Years | Out Of Print | darlison-aleesah | charlton-heather | | bushfire koala | | 3-7-years | out-of-print |
| | My Australian Story: Bushfire | Murphy, Sally | | My Australian Story | 2000-2010, Black Saturday, Bushfire, Marysville | | 10-14 Years | In Print | murphy-sally | | my-australian-story | 2000-2010 black-saturday bushfire marysville | | 10-14-years | in-print |
| | Polka Dot Float | O'Flynn, Maryanne | O’Flynn, Maryanne | | Bushfire, Echidna | | 3-7 Years | In Print | oflynn-maryanne | oflynn-maryanne | | bushfire echidna | | 3-7-years | in-print |
| | Spark | Wallace, Adam | Plant, Andrew | | Bushfire | | 6-12 Years | Out Of Print | wallace-adam | plant-andrew | | bushfire | | 6-12-years | out-of-print |
| | The Bushfire Babies | O’Halloran, Debra | O’Halloran, Debra | | Bushfire, Echidna, Emu, Possum, Wallaby | | 3-7 Years | Out Of Print | ohalloran-debra | ohalloran-debra | | bushfire echidna emu possum wallaby | | 3-7-years | out-of-print |
| | The Bushfire Book: How to Be Aware and Prepare | Marsden, Polly | Nixon, Chris | | Bushfire | | 5-12 Years | In Print | marsden-polly | nixon-chris | | bushfire | | 5-12-years | in-print |
| | The Fire Wombat | French, Jackie | Snell, Danny | | Bushfire, Wombats | | 3-10 Years | In Print | french-jackie | snell-danny | | bushfire wombats | | 3-10-years | in-print |
| | The House on the Mountain | Holcombe, Ella | Cox, David | | Black Saturday, Bushfire, Kinglake | | 7-11 Years | In Print | holcombe-ella | cox-david | | black-saturday bushfire kinglake | | 7-11-years | in-print |
| | Through the Smoke | Cummings, Phil | McLean, Andrew | | Bushfire | | 4-8 Years | In Print | cummings-phil | mclean-andrew | | bushfire | | 4-8-years | in-print |
| | Tippy and Jellybean | Cunningham, Sophie | Tortop, Anil | | Bushfire, Koalas, Mammals, Marsupial Mammals | | 3-7 Years | In Print | cunningham-sophie | tortop-anil | | bushfire koalas mammals marsupial-mammals | | 3-7-years | in-print |
| | Wildfire | Clark, Mavis Thorpe | | | Bushfire | | 13-18 Years | Out Of Print | clark-mavis-thorpe | | | bushfire | | 13-18-years | out-of-print |
| | Wombat Underground : A Wildfire Survival Story | Thomson, Sarah L | Santoso, Charles | | Bushfire, Wombats | | 4-8 Years | In Print | thomson-sarah-l | santoso-charles | | bushfire wombats | | 4-8-years | in-print |