| | History Mysteries: The Last Tiger | Greenwood, Mark | | History Mysteries | Extinct Animals, Mammals, Marsupial Mammals, Tasmanian Tiger, Thylacine | | 8-12 Years | In Print | greenwood-mark | | history-mysteries | extinct-animals mammals marsupial-mammals tasmanian-tiger thylacine | | 8-12-years | in-print |
| | One Careless Night | Booth, Christina | Booth, Christina | | Extinct Animals, Mammals, Marsupial Mammals, Tasmanian Tiger, Thylacine | | 4-8 Years | In Print | booth-christina | booth-christina | | extinct-animals mammals marsupial-mammals tasmanian-tiger thylacine | | 4-8-years | in-print |
| | Stripes in the Forest : The Story of the Last Wild Thylacine | Darlison, Aleesah | McGrath, Shane | | Extinct Animals, Mammals, Marsupial Mammals, Tasmanian Tiger, Thylacine | | 5-12 Years | In Print | darlison-aleesah | mcgrath-shane | | extinct-animals mammals marsupial-mammals tasmanian-tiger thylacine | | 5-12-years | in-print |
| | Tiger in the Bush | Chauncy, Nan | | | Extinct Animals, Mammals, Marsupial Mammals, Tasmanian Tiger, Thylacine | AO Aust JD, AO7 Aust JD | 11-15 Years | In Print | chauncy-nan | | | extinct-animals mammals marsupial-mammals tasmanian-tiger thylacine | ao-aust-jd ao7-aust-jd | 11-15-years | in-print |