| | A Story of Saint Benedict | Dujarie, Brother Ernest CSC | Jagodits, Carolyn Lee | In the Footsteps of the Saints | 6th Century, Italy, July 11, St Benedict | | 7-11 Years | Out Of Print | dujarie-brother-ernest-csc | jagodits-carolyn-lee | in-the-footsteps-of-the-saints | 6th-century italy july-11 st-benedict | | 7-11-years | out-of-print |
| | Saint John Bosco and Saint Dominic Savio | Beebe, Catherine | | Vision Books | Italy, January 31, March 9, St Dominic Savio, St John Bosco | | 10-14 Years | In Print | beebe-catherine | | vision-books | italy january-31 march-9 st-dominic-savio st-john-bosco | | 10-14-years | in-print |
| | St. Benedict: Hero of the Hills | Windeatt, Mary Fabyan | | Vision Books | 6th Century, Italy, July 11, St Benedict | | 9-15 Years | Out Of Print | windeatt-mary-fabyan | | vision-books | 6th-century italy july-11 st-benedict | | 9-15-years | out-of-print |
| | The Holy Twins: Benedict and Scholastica | Norris, Kathleen | dePaola, Tomie | | 6th Century, February 10, Italy, July 11, St Benedict, St Scholastica | | 6-12 Years | Out Of Print | norris-kathleen | depaola-tomie | | 6th-century february-10 italy july-11 st-benedict st-scholastica | | 6-12-years | out-of-print |
| | The Life of Saint Benedict | McKenzie, John | Brown, Mark | | 6th Century, Italy, July 11, St Benedict | | 6-14 Years | In Print | mckenzie-john | brown-mark | | 6th-century italy july-11 st-benedict | | 6-14-years | in-print |