| | A Rose for the Anzac Boys | French, Jackie | | | War France, Western Front, World War One | | 13-18 Years | In Print | french-jackie | | | war-france western-front world-war-one | | 13-18-years | in-print |
| | A Soldier, A Dog and A Boy | Hathorn, Libby | Lesnie, Phil | | Battle of the Somme, War France, Western Front, World War One | | 4-8 Years | In Print | hathorn-libby | lesnie-phil | | battle-of-the-somme war-france western-front world-war-one | | 4-8-years | in-print |
| | Alfred’s War | Bin Salleh, Rachel | Fry, Samantha | | War France, War Indigenous, Western Front, World War One | | 5-12 Years | In Print | bin-salleh-rachel | fry-samantha | | war-france war-indigenous western-front world-war-one | | 5-12-years | in-print |
| | Anzac Biscuits | Cummings, Phil | Swan, Owen | | War France, Western Front, World War One | | 4-8 Years | Out Of Print | cummings-phil | swan-owen | | war-france western-front world-war-one | | 4-8-years | out-of-print |
| | ANZAC Sons: Five Brothers on the Western Front | Paterson, Allison Marlow | | | Mologa, War France, Western Front, World War One | | 7-13 Years | In Print | paterson-allison-marlow | | | mologa war-france western-front world-war-one | | 7-13-years | in-print |
| | Australia's Great War 1917 | Gardiner, Kelly | | | War France, Western Front, World War One | | 13-18 Years | In Print | gardiner-kelly | | | war-france western-front world-war-one | | 13-18-years | in-print |
| | Australia's Great War: 1918 | Gleeson, Libby | | Australia's Great War | War France, Western Front, World War One | | 13-18 Years | In Print | gleeson-libby | | australias-great-war | war-france western-front world-war-one | | 13-18-years | in-print |
| | Battle Boy: White War | Carter, Charlie | | Battle Boy | War France, Western Front, World War One | | 7-10 Years | In Print | carter-charlie | | battle-boy | war-france western-front world-war-one | | 7-10-years | in-print |
| | Digger | Dumbleton, Mike | Cowcher, Robin | | War France, Western Front, World War One | | 4-8 Years | In Print | dumbleton-mike | cowcher-robin | | war-france western-front world-war-one | | 4-8-years | in-print |
| | Digger:The Dog Who Went to War | Wilson, Mark | Wilson, Mark | | Dogs, War France, Western Front, World War One | | 5-12 Years | In Print | wilson-mark | wilson-mark | | dogs war-france western-front world-war-one | | 5-12-years | in-print |
| | Dreaming Soldiers | Bauer, Catherine | McGrath, Shane | | War Indigenous, Western Front, World War One | | 5-12 Years | In Print | bauer-catherine | mcgrath-shane | | war-indigenous western-front world-war-one | | 5-12-years | in-print |
| | My Fathers’ War | Masson, Sophie | | My Australian Story | War France, Western Front, World War One | | 10-14 Years | eBook | masson-sophie | | my-australian-story | war-france western-front world-war-one | | 10-14-years | ebook |
| | Tank Boys | Dando-Collins, Stephen | | | War France, Western Front, World War One | | 12-17 Years | In Print | dando-collins-stephen | | | war-france western-front world-war-one | | 12-17-years | in-print |
| | The Little Stowaway: A True Story | Bennett, Vicki | Suwannakit, Tull | | Dalby, Henri Tovell, Tim Tovell, War France, Western Front, World War One | | 4-8 Years | In Print | bennett-vicki | suwannakit-tull | | dalby henri-tovell tim-tovell war-france western-front world-war-one | | 4-8-years | in-print |