| | Jesus and Mary: The Lives of Jesus and Mary and the Story of Fatima | | | Neumann Press | Fatima, Jesus, March 25, Mary, The Annunciation | | 4-8 Years | Out Of Print | | | neumann-press | fatima jesus march-25 mary the-annunciation | | 4-8-years | out-of-print |
| | Just Like Mary | Gortler, Rosemarie, Piscitelli, Donna | Sternhagen, Mimi | | March 25, Mary, The Annunciation | | 3-10 Years | Out Of Print | gortler-rosemarie piscitelli-donna | sternhagen-mimi | | march-25 mary the-annunciation | | 3-10-years | out-of-print |
| | Mary | Wildsmith, Brian | Wildsmith, Brian | | March 25, Mary, The Annunciation | | 6-14 Years | Out Of Print | wildsmith-brian | wildsmith-brian | | march-25 mary the-annunciation | | 6-14-years | out-of-print |
| | Mary | Demi | Demi | | March 25, Mary, The Annunciation | | 8-14 Years | Out Of Print | demi | demi | | march-25 mary the-annunciation | | 8-14-years | out-of-print |
| | Mary, the Mother of Jesus | dePaola, Tomie | dePaola, Tomie | | March 25, Mary, The Annunciation | | 5-12 Years | In Print | depaola-tomie | depaola-tomie | | march-25 mary the-annunciation | | 5-12-years | in-print |
| | The End of the Fiery Sword: Adam & Eve and Jesus & Mary | McKeegan, Maura Roan | Schluenderfritz, Theodore | | Adam & Eve, Biblical Typology, Jesus, March 25, Mary, The Annunciation | | 7-13 Years | Out Of Print | mckeegan-maura-roan | schluenderfritz-theodore | | adam-eve biblical-typology jesus march-25 mary the-annunciation | | 7-13-years | out-of-print |
| | The Life of Mary | Biffi, Inos | Vignazia, Franco | | March 25, Mary, The Annunciation | | 5-12 Years | Out Of Print | biffi-inos | vignazia-franco | | march-25 mary the-annunciation | | 5-12-years | out-of-print |
| | Young Mary of Nazareth | Mayer, Marianna | | | March 25, Mary, The Annunciation | | 6-14 Years | Out Of Print | mayer-marianna | | | march-25 mary the-annunciation | | 6-14-years | out-of-print |