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Preparation for Confirmation

Whilst preparing Jack Jack to receive his First Confession and First Holy Communion we have also been preparing Princess(11) and Jelly Bean (9) to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. As I’ve shared previously we take this opportunity to prepare our children for the reception of their Sacraments as amongst the most precious responsibilities as Catholic parents entrusted to us.

Preparing a child for her Confirmation involves discussion, study and spiritual preparation.  Princess and Jelly Bean are our fifth and sixth children to prepare for the reception of Confirmation and we have a fairly established program in place now.  Though this is the first time we have prepared a child as young as Jelly Bean.  Sharing here in the hope to help other families in the same situation.

You may also find helpful
Preparation for First Confession
Preparation for First Holy Communion


To Know/Understand:

  • The understand that the Apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
  • To read the Bible account of the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
  • To read Bible accounts of the presence and ‘calling upon’ of the Holy Spirit
  • The understand that the Apostles have handed on of the gift of the Holy Spirit to their successors the bishops
  • The understand the succession of bishops has continued through the history of the Church, to our present Bishop
  • To understand that generally the Bishop administers the Sacrament of Confirmation
  • To understand Confirmation is a deepening of the grace of Baptism (unites us more closely to God the Father, makes us more faithful to Jesus, increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us, renders our bond with the Church more perfect, gives us special strength from the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith, a witness of Christ)
  • To understand that Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation (and to know all three Sacraments of Initiation)
  • To know what sanctifying grace is
  • To understand and memorise the fruits of the Holy Spirit
  • To understand and memorise the gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • To understand how these fruits and gifts help us live our Christian lives
  • To know the Apostle’s Creed
  • To understand the what we profess in the Apostle’s Creed
  • To know about the Blessed Trinity
  • To know about the Incarnation

  • To know and understand more fully each of the Seven Sacraments
  • To know what is Chrism Oil
  • To know what is the Confirmation Seal
  • To be familiar with the responses of the Rite of Confirmation
  • To understand the significance of ‘The Sign of the Cross, the anointing, the blow’ during the Confirmation Rite
  • To understand the 4 conditions for the Reception of Confirmation (Profession of Faith, in state of Grace, intention to receive Confirmation, be a disciple and witness of Christ)
  • To understand what a Witness of Christ means and entails
  • To read several saints stories, child is to choose their Confirmation saint
  • Choose a sponsor
To Memorise:
  • 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
  • 10 Commandments
  • 7 Sacraments
  • 6 Church Precepts
  • 7 Works of Mercy
  • 3 Theological virtues
Prayers to Know:
  • Apostles Creed
  • Come, O Holy Spirit
Prayers to Review:
  • Our Father
  • Hail Mary
  • Glory Be
  • Act of Contrition

As well as the following the girls will be reading various saint stories, from amongst these they will choose their Confirmation saints/names.

Whilst we have prepared 4 children previously for Confirmation, I’ve yet to find the book! Meanwhile we rely on Bible passages, catechism questions and recently we’ve added some more successful spiritual reads.



Catholic Bible: Revised Standard Version (Ignatius)
Always a Confirmation gift for each of our children.  We researched before deciding upon this translation.





Catholic Children’s Bible

–  Story of the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
–  Other Bible accounts of the presence and ‘calling upon’ of the Holy Spirit. Interestingly my childhood copy of the Golden Bible says, ‘Catholic Children’s’ which is the exact same copy as the Golden Children’s Bible.



Sacrament of Confirmation Workbook
A 30 page workbook, with excerpts from the Bible and the CCC.  Read and answer the various exercises, a great way to be sure to cover the basics.  Our girls are enjoying the workbook approach.




New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism 1 or  New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism 2
We’ve long enjoyed reading these Catechisms,  answering the questions and chatting about the material.





Brief Review of Confirmation (Daughters of St Paul)
Brief overview with lots of catechism questions. Good summation.

Catechism questions, Gospel Highlights, Mass Responses.
Rather dry for the girls.






I’ve long had Spreading and Defending the Faith – Image of God Series, parts are okay, parts are too old for a 9 and 11 year old, a large part focuses on ‘Service’ which appears to be more an American emphasis than Australian.



The First Sacraments – Inos Biffi

Aimed at the older child, very detailed and thorough. Plenty of historical information.

Illustrated Catechism – Inos Biffi

Compilation of 4 of Biffi’s books;  Prayer, Apostles Creed, Sacraments and Ten Commandments.  Excellent for understanding of the truths in the Apostles Creed, deeper understanding of the Sacraments and Ten Commandments.

The following three titles, Princess, an independent reader, has recently read to herself and thoroughly enjoyed.  A living books approach is her learning style.  I’d love to read all three with Jelly Bean but as we only recently decided to have Jelly Bean Confirmed this year and with only 2 months left I’m not certain I will have time.



St Patrick’s Summer

An engaging, living catechism.  Princess loved this book.  I have read previously to older children and it is excellent.






King of the Golden City
A wonderful allegory, spiritually reflective.  Highly recommended by Princess. (also read this previously and recommend)






My Path to Heaven – Fr Geoffrey Bliss
A mini-spiritual retreat,  Princess has really enjoyed this.

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