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Top ‘How To’ Homeschool Picks

When I was a teenager and began reading homeschool material; I read John Holt, Raymond Moore, Mary Pride, the Colfaxes and Maria Montessori. These books certainly had a strong influence on forming my thoughts on homeschooling and continue to impact today. They will always stay a part of my library.

Twenty years on there are so many more ‘homeschool books’ available. I was recently pondering which books I would advise recommend as, ‘must haves’ to a young mum investigating/beginning homeschooling.

Today they would be:
1. Real Learning, by Elizabeth Foss
Catholic, gentle, a must! My favourite:)

2. How to Homeschool, by Gayle Graham
Makes homeschooling practical, doable and achievable.

3. Homeschooling with a Meek & Quiet Spirit, by Terry Maxwell
This book was a watershed moment for me. I helped me be a much better parent. Every now and then I give myself a ‘boost’ by re-reading.

4. A Charlotte Mason Companion, by Karen Andreola
I love this book! Inspiring, the best of Charlotte Mason.

5. Educating the Wholehearted Child, by Sally Clarkson
I actually don’t own this book but if I had found it earlier on I could have saved dollars by not buying many others. Explains so many ideas and philosophies.

Of course today there is also a wealth of information on the ‘net, an overwhelming amount. Nothing replaces sitting down and reading with ‘a friend’.

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