Early Church/ Rome 33 – 300 AD


Christopher the Holy Giant – Tomie dePaola

The children enjoy comparing the two as one contains details the other doesn’t.

The Story of Saint Christopher: A First Book for Little Catholics – Leah Kean.

OOP but a lovely little book.

Saint Valentine – Robert Sabuda

Demonstrates what an amazing gentle, giving saint he was. A good picture of the life the Early Christians led under fear of persecution.

Chapter Books

Tiger, Tiger- Lynne Reid Banks

A new addition to our library. It is based on the story of twin tigers, one of whom is sent to the Colosseum.  The story covers the persecution of Christians.

The Man Who Never Died – Rev Gerald Brennan

Based on the life of St Peter.

Galen and the Gateway to Medicine- Jeanne Bendick

published by Bethlehem Books tells the story of Galen and his discoveries.
The story of a disfigured boy who takes the vinegar to Christ on the Cross and his life is changed forever.

The First Christians: The Acts of the Apostles for Children- Marigold Hunt

Based on the Acts was a good basis to start with my 9 and 6 year olds.  Although a bit long winded which is typical of Marigold Hunt.

The Thieves of Ostia (The Roman Mysteries)- Caroline Lawrence

Nice fun mystery, although I would have to admit rather light.

A story of the young Christians set in persecuted Rome; written by an Australian priest.
Both these books are absolutely riveting books for children this age (and mum;).  I highly recommend them.  Saint stories from this time period.

The Golden House – Madeleine Polland 

Another new addition to our library and extremely well written.

The Bronze Bow – Elizabeth George Speare
Set during the time of Christ and it gives a picture of the Roman occupation of Jerusalem.  Very well written.

Rosemary Sutcliff’s trilogy set in Roman Briton and Outcast also from Roman Briton are well written living books from this time period.

Legions of the Eagle – Henry Treece

Set in Roman Briton involving the Roman soldiers.

War Dog- Henry Treece

Set in Roman Briton involving the Roman soldiers.

Detectives in Togas- Henry Winterfield

Probably set a little earlier but it gives a good idea of everyday life in Rome. The children loved this one.

Over 14s

The story of the young silversmith who fashions the holder for the cup that Jesus uses at the Last Supper.

The Restless Flame – Louis deWohl

Based on the life of St Augustine. Louis de Wohl is a favourite author of mine and it was a pleasure to introduce my dd to him this year.

The following I’m a little uncertain as to age recommendation. GA Henty books are a favourite with my dd, probably interesting to the more serious reader from age 12, certainly fine by 13, they are on the ‘heavier’ side of historical fiction.

The Young Cathaginian – G A Henty 

The Fall of Jerusalem – GA Henty

These two books are a riveting tale of murder, mystery and intrigue.  From Bethlehem Books and very well written
My 14year old couldn’t get into this one, she didn’t find it interesting but it may suit others.


An enjoyable and riveting read on the planning and construction of the city of Rome. It is incredible really to imagine the planning and design that went into their city.
The Story of the World’s Most Famous Stadium and Its Deadly Games.
Very informative.

Famous Men of Rome- Poland & Haaren

A  popular choice amongst homeschoolers.  The reading of these men give a good insight into the history of Rome from the beginning till the Fall of Rome

Was added to  our pile on the recommendation of RC History.  I have to say I found it very detailed and it painted a disturbing and realistic picture of Rome and its practices.  People’s lives had no value.

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