Horse Song: The Naadam of Mongolia
Ted and Betsy Lewin’s illustrated travelogue story of their trip to Mongolia to watch young boy and girl jockeys race horses in the traditional Naadam summer festival.
“Giingooo! Giiiingoooooo!” Tamir and the other young jockeys sing to their horses in wailing, high-pitched voices. They are getting ready to ride in the Naadam, the Mongolian summer festival. Tamir is one of many boys and girls who will race half-wild horses across the open desert for honor and glory.
It is these legendary child jockeys that Ted and Betsy Lewin have traveled to Mongolia to see. In the camp of the horse trainers, the Lewins marvel at the skill of the riders as they “sweat up” their horses, galloping by in swirls of dust and thundering hooves. On the day of the big race, everyone is up before sunrise, watching the riders begin their long trek to the starting line. Will Tamir be able to keep control of his horse during the fourteen-mile race? Who will emerge as the winner as the shimmering dust cloud of riders approaches the finish line?
With a contagious love of travel and adventure, and vivid, action-packed paintings, Ted and Betsy Lewin invite readers to experience the unique thrill of a Naadam horse race. “Giiiingoooooo!”
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