Small Successes (12)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. 1Cleaned the house for Easter.Top to bottom, glistening clean. All completed in the first three days of Holy Week! 2Completed all Easter shopping early.Pretty excited with this one. I won’t confess to the amount of years we have left the Easter Egg shopping till the last minute and had to take whatever was left. 3Presented the Last Supper Lesson to the children and celebrated our Passover Meal before Holy Thursday Mass.I’m very excited that I have kept to my resolution of weekly presenting a CGS lesson to the children.…
Small Successes (11)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. 1Despite the numerous changes of wet clothing I have kept up with the laundry.As it has rained 175ml (7inches) in the past four days, and as everyone knows this means children must play in the rain I ‘m sure you understand what a feat this is. 2Have all the children’s winter clothing sitting neatly on their shelves.The change in season (Autumn here) signaled a need to pull out all those clothes I had packed away. I have stacked and culled and now I know who needs new clothes and…
Small Successes (10)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. 1Enjoyed a ‘Montessori afternoon’ with my younger children:) 2 Finally made some very overdue phone calls. 3Cleaned 2 baskets of ‘stuff’ in front of the craft/games cupboard. Drop in to Faith and Family and enjoy reading more Small Successes.
Small Successes (9)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. 1Cleaned out the fridge.Very impressed with myself. But I ask you why do we have 6 opened bottles of jam?! 2Finally cleared all clutter hotspots in the lounge/dining room:) 3Most important of all we managed to celebrate both St Patrick’s and St Joseph’s Feast Days. (Also name days of two of our boys) Albeit in a low key way but celebrate we did:) Drop in at Faith and Family and read more Small Successes
Small Successes (8)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. 1Ironed all of PC’s work shirts and trousers.This was over an hour’s worth of work but I am so pleased it is done.(I do still have everyone else’s ironing to do but I will focus on the success) 2Gave my blog a facelift. 3Spent an afternoon with Princess sewing. Visit Faith and Family for more Small Successes.
Small Successes (7)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. 1Read a few picture books every day to our precious little ones. 2Achieved some computer ‘housecleaning’. Re-organised bookmarked favourites into folders and deleted old emails. 3Re-organised the cupboards in the kitchen. I admit I didn’t finish the job but I nearly did, I think it counts. Be sure to visit Faith and Family for more Small Successes.
Small Successes (6)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. 1Made it to bed by 11pm a few times this week. 2Cleaned the shower, and by 6.30am one morning this week. 3Cleaned several ‘hotspots’ and pulled all clothes out of childrens’ cupboards and re-stacked. Visit Faith and Family to share in big triumphs.
Small Successes (5)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. 1.Knitted one afternoon with one precious daughter, just her and I, she loved having mummy all to herself. 2Had a science investigative play afternoon with my little ones. 3Baked 2 chocolate cakes AND iced them to take to our local homeschool mother’s night. Be sure to share in the Small Successes with more mothers at Faith and Family.
Small Successes (4)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. 1Packed up the books immediately after we finished lesson time every day.This is helping so much with smoothness at lessons the next morning:) and makes for a tidy living room. 2Put all the books in the towering pile back into the bookcases.I should do it immediately and then I wouldn’t have a towering pile. 3Took the children to the dam for a swim a couple of times. Other Families Small Successes are shared at Faith and Family.