7 Quick Takes: Spinning Plates
Head on over to This Ain’t the Lyceum to read more 7QT for this week. 1 When I take a look at our calendar for the upcoming month I nearly hyperventilate, there is so much happening in our life at present, so many ‘plates’ I need to start ‘spinning’ and keep them spinning weeks prior to the events. Two birthdays, which translates to deciding on and ordering presents online weeks ahead, it is also a party year for one child, so invites to go out and party games and food to be planned and executed. There’s my sister’s engagement party which will involve a seven hour round trip in one day. A Family Reunion…
Flooring Another Bedroom
Inspired by the ease and quickness of flooring Jelly Bean’s bedroom, the weekend before last we continued on and laid the floorboards in the bedroom of our youngest two. Rather exciting as this means all the children’s bedrooms are now sporting floorboards, we only have our bedroom left to floor and we have done the whole house! Although we have also officially run out of the floorboards we salvaged all those years ago from the Convent school and will have to source more boards for our room. Once PC started us off, Jelly Bean 14 and I kept up a steady pace of laying and nailing, whilst PC measured and cut boards out…
7 Quick Takes: Engagements And More Engagements
Head on over to This Ain’t the Lyceum to read more 7QT for this week. 1 Just over a month ago I wrote my first 7 Quick Takes after four years and had every intention regards sharing 7QT’s regularly, and yet three more 7QT’s have gone by and I’ve been missing in action. Though if you’ve been reading my blog you’d realise plenty has been happening here in the interim. Five days after that post we were threatened with a bushfire, in which we were evacuated and subsequently had 85% of our land burnt, fortunately our house was spared. Too we’ve been enjoying the news and flurry of action since our eldest son Carpenter became…
Floorboards For A Bedroom
A few weekends back we turned out attentions towards flooring bedrooms. We are ‘on the home run’ now with only three rooms, all bedrooms to go! Which is fortunate as we are also nearing the end of our floorboard stacks. All timbers piles were dismantled and boards sorted into lengths. First up we began with flooring Jelly Bean’s room, she was rather excited by this prospect and couldn’t wait to have her room floored. Poor PC had badly pinched the nerves in his neck the day before but he bravely soldiered on and mostly alone as there were other happenings that weekend. It was the same routine as always; placing green…
Receiving The Sacrament of Confirmation
Last month our two youngest boys, Jem 9 and Bass 7 received the Sacrament of Confirmation, the second of the three sacraments of Christian initiation into the Catholic Church. Confirmation completes Baptism, by which in the laying on of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil, which first happened at Baptism, we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We are reminded of our participation in the ministry and mission of Jesus, and strengthened to follow Jesus more closely. We were so blessed that the opportunity arose for our boys to make their Confirmation at Marian Valley. Previously our children, all seven older ones, had received their Sacraments at…
Laying the Hallway
Back in May when we finished flooring the Poolroom, we instantly turned our attentions to flooring the Hallway. Whilst the hallway is only narrow and not a large area to cover and you’d assume it wouldn’t take long to floor, it’s width created it’s own issues. As per our standard practice flooring involves a rhythm of; placing green strapping to the floor for easier sliding of boards, gluing the boards, knocking the tongue and grooves together and then secret nailing. It wasn’t long though before we reached the other side of the hallway and ran out of swinging space for the hammer. Then it became time to get creative,…
He Asked ‘Will You..?’ – She Replied ‘Yes!’
Mid June our Carpenter asked his girlfriend Rose to Marry him, and she said Yes!! We are thrilled, Rose suits our boy so well. They have been dating for a few years now, so we’ve had the time to get to know Rose well, she is a lovely young lady and we are indeed blessed to be gaining such a beautiful new daughter. They are planning on marrying next year, so there is plenty of excitement here and phone calls back and forth. See that darling ring on Rose’s finger (yes wrong finger, it was waiting for resizing) our romantic Carpenter designed it himself and surprised her!! It truly is…
Bushfire, Evacuation & Desolation
It’s nearly a fortnight now since The Fire began and we’ve only just regained our equilibrium. It began as an ordinary weekday and finished in a whole ‘nother way. Wednesday 15th – Feast of the Assumption Actually it wasn’t an ordinary day it was the Feast of the Assumption, so we began the day by attending Mass. When we arrived home at 10.30am we noticed fire in the distance, thought no more of it and proceeded with our day. By 3.30pm however we were certainly paying attention. Huge clouds of smoke were billowing up and ash was falling, it was quite obvious the bushfire was close, only a kilometre away. Planes…
7 Quick Takes: ‘Back in the Saddle’
Head on over to This Ain’t the Lyceum to read more 7QT for this week. 1 Yes, yes I’m back writing 7 Quick Takes after a four year hiatus from 7QT. If I have any readers left, which would surprise me 😉 you would have noticed I’ve hardly written anything for the past year. When tossing around ideas on how to get out of my blogging slump I decided committing to 7 Quick Takes, something I used to do regularly back in my blogging hey day could be a great way to get the creative juices flowing. So why haven’t I being writing? There is the standard, “life is so full”…