Blog Tour: Aussie Farms
Want to climb aboard with me as I take you on a blog tour? Are you keen to find new blogs?
Jump on and join me as we spread the blog love, today we’re touring Aussie farms.
Sarah from Chantille Fleur lives in North Queensland and blogs about life on an organic farm and taking pleasure in the simple; farming organically, baking bread, grinding spelt grains, using rapadura (attention caught:) and sharing her gorgeous photos.  I’ve only been reading Chantille Fleur for a short time but am very drawn to her dreamy pics, to her pace of life. She can also be found on instagram.
Mel at Coal Valley View lives on a strawberry farm in the Coal River Valley of Tasmania with her husband and five young children and she is simply delightful, really! Just love reading Mel’s thoughts, family happenings, farming projects, handcrafts and seeing her gorgeous photography. Her blog and instagram are musts.
Kate at Foxs Lane farms in country Victoria, with her husband and three girls on their apple orchard. Kate blogs about enjoying the simple pleasures of life, savouring the everyday as she organically farms, bakes and delves into handcrafts.  She demonstates how photography can tell a story, I just love her creativity. Kate can also be found on instagram.
Jane at The Shady Baker farms in Outback New South Wales with her husband and two children. She chats about outback living, her thoughts, baking bread, including sourdough, cooking, growing veggies, teaching her children via distance education and she takes fascinating photos which she also shares on instagram.
Five lovely, interesting ladies, do pop on over and visit.
Jo @ Country Life Experiment
Hi Erin – thanks for the shout out! You've listed some of my favourite blogs, as well as some new ones to check out. Can't wait to have a look – Jo 🙂
It's always great to find new blogs:)
Always a given you'd be on this roll out:)
Sonia LifeLoveandHiccups
That is a whole lotta Aussie awesomeness right there xx
Isn't it:) We have some wonderful talented bloggers here in Oz
Cybele Masterman (Bele)
Wow! What a gorgeous bunch of blogs. Chantille Fleur is beautiful x
Only recently discovered Chantille Fleur, it is beautiful and Sarah is lovely
Chantille Fleur
Thank you so much for including my blog! In honoured 😀
You've included my favourites, I particularly love The Shady Baker & Foxs Lane
Sarah x
My pleasure, so pleased to have discovered you. I just love, love your photos:)
Do you have any other blogs to recommend like these two?
A bunch of great blogs, thanks for sharing Erin!
Know you'll be drawn to some of these blogs, similar interests:)
Looking forward to exploring these later this week. Thank you Erin 🙂
Hope you find some you enjoy
Bron Maxabella
Yay! Go the blog tour! Great idea to group blogs in this way, Erin. x
What can I say, my brain just organises this way. Stay tuned, will have another tour next Friday, just haven't decided which group next..
Oh what a gorgeous bunch of farmer blogs, I'm so honoured to have been included.
Thank you, thank you!! And now off I go to visiting. xx
A pleasure to include you, I'm so thrilled I was steered your way and found you.
Have you any must reads to add?
Mel @ Coal Valley View
Thanks so much Erin, I'm really chuffed to be listed up there with those guys x
Always so humble{} you were always destined to be listed in this roundup. Always my must read:)
Any blogs you want to add to the list?