Book Reviews
A True Story From Afghanistan
Nasreen’s Secret School – Jeanette Winter Based on a true story, set in Afghanistan during the Taliban regime, in 1996-2001. Nasreen’s parents are taken away by the Taliban and she stops speaking. Her grandmother desperately enrolls her in a secret school for girls. A new friend, a devoted teacher and the world of books finally encourages Nasreen to talk. Excellent text, lovely illustrations. This book opened up a totally new world to my children and there was much to discuss, the Taliban, persecution, the importance of education, Afghanistan history and achievements, people’s determination to overcome adversity. 5 Star
Muslim Picture Book
Ramadan Moon – Na’ima B Robert “Ramadan, the month of fasting, doesn’t begin all at once. It begins with a whisper and a prayer and a wish. Muslims all over the world celebrate Ramadan and the joyful days of Eid-ul-Fitr at the end of the month of fasting as the most special time of year.” This book follows the waxing of the moon to the new crescent, to full moon and waning, weaving in Muslim traditions throughout the month of Ramadan. Written and illustrated by Muslims, for Muslim children and those wanting to know more about the Muslim faith. Obviously we are not of Muslim faith but it was…
Migrant/Refugee Picture Books
Ziba Came on a Boat – Liz Lofthouse Based on actual events, a moving story of a little girl whose family has lost everything. Ziba, her mother and other women and children from her tiny village escape the war in Afghanistan by travelling on an overcrowded fishing boat to a new land, a new life and freedom. Ziba dreams of what she is leaving behind and hopes for the future. Generated discussions with our children about refuges, what prompts them to flee their land to another. Hopefully they understand how blessed we are in Australia and how brave the refugees are. Suitable for 5 – 9 yr olds. 4 Star Old…
Chinese Picture Books
As we ‘toured the world‘ during the past fortnight we discovered some new Chinese picture books, and re-visted some previously shared. Peeking Ducks – Krista Bell A sweet story about inquisitive duck siblings who didn’t listen to their parents advice and wandered down their stream to the Big River. Many dangers nearly befall them but they luckily advert all dangers and make it down to the River and back home again safely. Cute. 3 Star The Magic Pillow – Demi A poor boy named Ping is give a magic pillow and dreams of what a lifetime of wealth and power would be like, he concludes the riches of family and…
African Picture Books
During the past fortnight as we ‘toured the world‘ we discovered some new African picture books, we also enjoyed a few shared previously. Handsome Hog – Mweney Hadithi An African animal tale; on the grassy African Plain, Handsome Hog had a beautiful smooth coat and an extremely elegant tail, he was exceptionally vain. The tale unfolds as to how Handsome Hog lost his looks and became a Warthog. An easily understood moral. Text is easy to follow and pictures are bright. Recommend Lila and the Secret of Rain – David Conway For months the sun has burned down on the Kenyan village. It is too hot to gather firewood, to weed…
Nature Picture Books for Little Ones
Whilst discovering a lovely selection of nature picture books for the older child recently we also discovered some treasures for the under 5s. In the Pond – Anna Milbourne The storyline follows a tadpole as it grows into a frog, encountering other pond life along the way; a fish, ducklings and dragonflies. Text is simple but plenty of information for little ones. Lovely, bright pictures. Recommend. In the Nest – Anna Milbourne The book captures the first days and weeks of a nest of baby birds. The parents build a nest, lay eggs, eat seeds and bugs and the babies grow feathers, learn to fly, feed themselves and gain independence Informative…
Nature Picture Books for the 5 to 10s
As part of our Leap into Literature focus we recently discovered a whole slew of Nature picture titles, books of sufficient depth and interest for our 5-9yr olds. A Butterfly is Patient – Diana Hutts Ashton Charlotte’s alert had me checking our library and we were thrilled with this book. Lots of informative information about butterflies accompanied by gorgeous illustrations!! The children were so inspired they went outside butterfly hunting immediately, using the internet for identification, as sadly as the book is American it didn’t help us identify our butterflies. Still it inspired an awareness and interest. Highly recommended. An Egg is Quiet- Diana Hutts Ashton Again plenty of information with incredible illustrations,…
8 Australian Picture Bird Books
Sharing some recent and not so recent Australian Picture Bird Books. Where’s my Mum – Susan Hall A lift the flap book, that takes the reader on a search as the baby bird looks for his mum. We meet several Australian birds on the way. Surprisingly informative, lovely illustrations. Recommended. The Best Nest – Penny Olsen Before the robins begin to build their nest they visit all their friends to see which is the best design. Each bird feels their nest is the best, but the robins don’t feel any are right for them. Informative with lovely illustrations. Recommended. The Bush Concert – Helga Visser The countryside is…
British Mystery Series – Roaring Twenties
I’m a huge fan of mysteries, an interest that began as a child reading Trixie Belden, Three Investigators and Enid Blyton. Years on I discovered Agatha Christie and Father Brown, once I’d read all those titles the hunt has continued for other authors. Over the years I’ve discovered some real gems (and some real duds), sharing some gems with you. Lately I’ve discovered and am enjoying a few series set just after World War 1. In all three series the protagonist is a female investigator, in a time when roles for women were changing, a period of huge social change though it was still to take many battles before…