7 Quick Takes Friday,  Blog

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol 93)

NSW school holidays began this week, however we’ve begun Term 4 early.  Considering the more relaxed pace we enjoyed in August/September we felt it was time to ‘knuckle’ down.  We’ve had a great week, I’m feeling so confident about this term! I haven’t felt this good in a long time:)

I recently read an article on recovering from homeschool burnout that really resounded with me, one sentence has been playing over in my mind;  “Whether it’s new curriculum, a fun family project, or a great field trip, find something that you can get enthused about because enthusiasm is contagious.” I believe All About Spelling is that ‘something’ we are enthused about.

Princess is planning for her birthday party, I think she may have a future as an event’s planner.   On the front of a manilla folder she has taped a title page labelled ‘ My Party’ complete with pictures.  Inside reside several pieces of paper folded and headed in columns titled; games, food, guests, who to ring, party theme, and even a diagram of the yard and house, detailed as to where games are to be played.


One gift Princess would really like for her birthday is a long pretty, pink dress, suitable for Church.  In our town the only options are Target and Big W, so no success there.  Ebay was my next ‘port of call’, I found a couple of pretty ones but not long.  Looks like I’ll be sewing next week, I was thinking of making a long peasant style dress, they appear rather trendy at present.  Any ideas on sites with easy tutorials?

Anyone have success with google analytics?  I’ve been trying to install it onto my blogs/websites and I’m about to give up (again!)

Regards technology,  I joined G Queues this week. At first I was enthused and thought it had great listmaking potential, however I’ve decided I really prefer my pen and pad and the whiteboard.  I’ve never really caught the fascination of blackberry’s and other electronic gadgets.  I’ve decided I’m happy with my tabbed spiral notepad that can be simply toted about in my handbag.  What about you?  Are you a Paper or Gadget fan?

Bass is now rolling everywhere, he can’t be left on the bed anymore.  He will soon have to move from the bassinet to the cot, time seems to move too fast.

Visit Conversion Diary for more 7 Quick Takes.


  • Valerie Malott

    Sometimes I wish all blogs and blog feeds had a "like" button so you could communicate with the blogger that you enjoyed reading the post without having to think up something to write in the comments section. 😉 Yes, I have finally figured out I can get an RSS feed to come to Office, so now I can read new posts when I check my e-mail. Like I need another reason to be on the computer??? Hope you are all doing well. 🙂

  • Erin

    How lovely to see your here:) What a great idea, I know there is shared items in google reader,I use it all the time. I did read somewhere that there is a like feature with blogger too. actually there is a like feature in google reader, I should click it and see what happens.

    You now have me intrigued what comment did I write that you like??

    btw I see you have changed your blog name, I'm enjoying reading about your natural learning direction.

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