Small Successes (11)
It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph.
Despite the numerous changes of wet clothing I have kept up with the laundry.
As it has rained 175ml (7inches) in the past four days, and as everyone knows this means children must play in the rain I ‘m sure you understand what a feat this is.
Have all the children’s winter clothing sitting neatly on their shelves.
The change in season (Autumn here) signaled a need to pull out all those clothes I had packed away. I have stacked and culled and now I know who needs new clothes and who doesn’t. I’ll start shopping for Carpenter, he owns 1 jumper! He just keeps growing.
Jelly Bean and I worked on learning her sounds everyday this week.
Her interest waxes and wanes.
Drop in to Faith and Family and enjoy reading more Small Successes.
It seems we are all working on those clothes! But here in Minnesota USA it is the spring clothes that are waiting on the shelves for thier big debut. Great job on your successes, Erin. God bless you.
What a cool list! I love being reminded of the season differences there and here! I have another blogging friend in Australia and love hearing all the wonderful things from another place in the world. Thanks for sharing your successes!! Many blessings!
Thank you for your encouragement:)