Chipping Tree Tops, Filling Piers
When the snigger cut the logs he left the tree tops. Deciding to use as much of the tree as possible we hired a chipper for the weekend. All branches under 100mm were cut off.
We spent the weekend cutting and feeding the chipper. The heat was pretty incredible so for a large parts of each day we couldn’t work.
We succeeded in chipping nine loads, about ten cubic metres. To be honest we are not convinced is was cost effective.
Still we now we have lots of piles of chips to spread on the gardens.
The children think the tops are wonderful to bounce up and down, and climb all over.
Jack Jack was totally happy all weekend being with the workers.
In between times PC caught a hour here and there to lay some more pier blocks.
He has only a row to go now.
After the blocks were laid he filled the centres with cement.
Jack Jack was daddy’s constant companion.