Instagram Tour: Australian Outback and Out West
I’d love you to join me for an instagram tour a follow on from our blog tours, it’s time today to have a visual fest. Whilst I read/follow a variety of blogs and instagrams I’m particularly drawn to some more than others, which I’m certain is the same for most of us, why some blogs and instagram accounts strike a cord more than others I can’t say, but that’s just how it is. Join me today as we visit with Aussie mamas who live in the Australian Outback and Out West.
Ainsley at From the Verandah lives in Central Queensland with her husband and six children on their family Station where they run cattle. Due to their remoteness Ainsley is homeschooling her children via distance education. I just love seeing pictures of the children working the cattle and riding their horses, living in surrounds quite different to mine. Yet we share similarities too, belief in family working together and commitment and love for our families. Ainsley shares extra glimpses of their life on instagram at McArthur Team
Katarina at Katarina Keough lives in Central Queensland with her husband and four children on their cattle Station. They live remotely and therefore homeschool their children via Distance Ed. I love seeing pictures of Katrina’s family working together with the cattle, kids on motor bikes and Katrina’s stunning close up shots.
Mel at Blue Mountain Life lives in rural Queensland with her husband and four children on a cattle Station where they breed waygus. They too ride horses and work hard as a family together.
Jane at The Shady Baker farms in Outback New South Wales with her husband and two children. She chats about outback living, baking sourdough bread, cooking, growing veggies and teaching her children via distance education. I also love her photos which she shares on instagram.
Lisa at Ravendale Park and her family farm on their family’s sheep property in the Riverina, NSW. Lisa’s photography is delightful and I particularly love her nearly daily sunsets.
Rachel at Journey Tribe lives with her husband and five children on their sheep property in North West NSW. I just love Rachel’s photography, always such a diverse range of pictures, her eye sees ‘things’ that I’m sure I’d miss, so creative.
Sophie writes at Sophie Isobel Asher and shares further pics on her instagram account, Sophie Isobel Asher. Sophie lives with her husband and daughter in Mildura on the Murray River, NSW. She writes about growing her own veggies, baking bread and upcylcing. She also conveys her pleasure for the simple delights in nature and life that are to be found if we only look.
Em at Em and the Wild Things lives with her husband and two children in the central west of NSW. Emily’s photography is totally captivating and inspiring. Children, grass, flowers, she captures the everyday in a way I hadn’t thought of before.
Eight amazing women, do pop over for a visit.
Do you follow these ladies? Do you have any other Outback, Out West instagram accounts and blogs to recommend?

Jane S
Thank you so much for the kind link up Erin! I am fairly new to Instagram and tonight I am certainly feeling the love! Thanks again and best wishes to you 🙂
Hi Erin, Once again thankyou! I'm so pleased you enjoy my little snippets. I've loved reading about everyone else too. Instagram is such a great way of connecting with like-minded people despite distances. Regards Rachel