Leaping into Literature
Next week our holidays draw to a close and we begin the final term of the year. As I contemplated what direction I wished our studies to take in the next 10 week block I knew I needed to be realistic, we have three indisputable factors that create a major impact. I am now in my final trimester with baby due two days before term ends (and babies have their own timetables), Advent begins in December bringing its own rhythm, and it is spring/summer which means extreme heat, distraction and pleas for more swimming time!! Yet I am determined that we conclude the year well, stretching abilities and learning deeply whilst capturing the children’s interest and enthusiasm.
Reflecting upon what is nearest and dearest to my heart in our home education journey, remembering the most memorable learning periods in our older childrens’ lives, I knew it was time to return to our roots, it was time to create plenty of ‘wiggle room’ to be able to undertake doing what we love best, immersing ourselves in literature. And so our plan to make this a time of ‘Leaping into Literature’ was born.
We are blessed to have many, many books of quality literature with beautiful illustrations in our home, this term we will build our whole plan around that. The plan is simplicity within a loose framework.
- Every day the children will continue with their individual maths programs, and I’m planning to add maths literature and activities for the younger four.
- Every day they will read about their Faith, to this end I have updated our liturgical year resources and their faith readings will revolve around the liturgical year.
- Every day they will read and respond via writing (or other expression), I have compiled various suggestions into one document, these suggestions will be cut into strips and placed in a narration jar, the children can select a suggestion or create their own narration idea .
- Their reading selections have been grouped into categories and we will spend a week/fortnight delving deep in each area. Picture books for the younger three, chapter books for the older three. I’m certain at least a couple of the ‘older set’ will read both.
- Einstein’s (16) plans won’t completely mirror our plans, he will diverge some weeks to study British Literature including Shakespeare.
Multi-tasking Mama
Great idea Erin, I have found the kids respond much better to literature inspired subjects; they get quite enthused and involved.
I love the Leaping Into Literature name and am going to pinch it to put on my schedule, sounds so much better than my current subject name, humanities/literature … lol
Deanne Langford
I am planning to do lots of literature based activities with my little ones too.
Wow, so much in this post, Erin! Thanks for sharing your google docs. And I can't believe that you're already in your third trimester! Time just seems to be flying this year!
Zanni Arnot
My goodness, you sound amazing! You have nearly 10 children? That is incredible. I love books and literature. Reading is a huge part of my children's lives. x
Feel free to 'borrow' the name, I love finding names for descriptions. Actually PC and dd9 came up with this title.
We'll have to inspire one another.
Do hope the google docs are helpful. Glad you like the post:) The children are loving our narration jar:):) I can barely believe it myself! yikes!!
Welcome to my little corner of cyberspace, always excited to find another book lover:) Yes 10, sounds like a lot I know but doesn't feel so many. (mostly;)