Book Reviews
Preparation for Confirmation
Whilst preparing Jack Jack to receive his First Confession and First Holy Communion we have also been preparing Princess(11) and Jelly Bean (9) to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. As I’ve shared previously we take this opportunity to prepare our children for the reception of their Sacraments as amongst the most precious responsibilities as Catholic parents entrusted to us. Preparing a child for her Confirmation involves discussion, study and spiritual preparation. Princess and Jelly Bean are our fifth and sixth children to prepare for the reception of Confirmation and we have a fairly established program in place now. Though this is the first time we have prepared a child as young as…
Preparation for First Holy Communion
Whilst preparing our son to receive his First Reconciliation we have also been preparing him for the reception of his First Holy Communion which will be a few months following. As I shared before we take this opportunity to prepare our children for the reception of their Sacraments as amongst the most precious responsibilities as Catholic parents entrusted to us. Preparing a child for his First Holy Communion involves discussion, study and spiritual preparation. Jack Jack is our seventh child to prepare for his First Holy Communion and we have a fairly established program in place now. Sharing here in the hope to help other families in the same situation. You…
Preparation For First Confession
For the past several months we have been preparing our son to receive the Sacrament of his First Reconciliation. Preparing our children for the reception of their Sacraments is amongst the most precious responsibilities as Catholic parents entrusted to us. Preparing a child for First Reconciliation involves lots of discussion, study and prayer. As Jack Jack is our seventh child to prepare for his Sacraments we have a well rehearsed ‘game plan’ by now. Sharing it here in the hope that it may be helpful for other families in the same situation. You may also find helpful Preparation for First Holy Communion Preparation for Confirmation To Know/Understand: To understand what…
12 Favourite Australian Bird Books
Many months ago I promised Katydid a post on our favourite Australian bird books. Katydid this post is dedicated to you, though alas as all our favourites are out of print I’m not sure how successful you will be in finding these in America. Also be sure to check out Jeanne’s list including one in print! Michelle’s Homeschooling Downunder’s Bird List also includes yet more titles. Leslie Rees We’re huge fans of all nature books written by Leslie Rees, they are short chapter books with detailed illustrations. Rees has written a number of Australian Bird Books as well. The Story of Kurri Kurri the Kookaburra – Leslie Rees The story opens with the…
Conception to Birth – Books
Questions often follow the announcement of an expected sibling in our home. Questions about conception, the baby’s development and impending birth. Sometimes the children are too young to remember our previous answers and sometimes they are simply wanting reminding or more depth appropriate to their age development. A sibling’s birth is a wonderful opportunity to revisit this topic and answer any questions your child may have. Books can provide a gentle way to answer general questions and provide an atmosphere for more indepth discussions. Most ‘birds and bees’ questions I prefer to answer directly, finding conversation more satisfying than books in this area, however we do have a small collection of…
Mega List of Lent/Easter Books
Can you believe we are half way through Lent already! I thought I’d share a Mega List of Lent/Easter books, updating with my star reviews, do realise that reviews are rather subjective. Talking stars, one reader shared that she doesn’t appreciate my stars as her mind doesn’t categorise like mine, my mind tends to organise so I find the stars useful even for myself. So what’s the verdict from the majority, do you appreciate the stars, or do they irritate you? What I would love would be more Lenten and Holy Week recommendations, most books have a more Easter morning focus. Any must have suggestions? The Little Rose of Sharon…
Australian Pictorial Social Studies
This term we’re studying Australian explorers, specifically our Inland explorers. When gathering resources I recalled this set of books with great fondness. The series is titled ‘Pictorial Social Studies’ with a little logo labelled ‘Australian Visual Education’. Published in 1958, with 55 books in the set, covering not only Australian history but social studies worldwide. My favourite however are the Australian history books, covering the Settlement and expansion, exploration, Gold and more. Written in comic form they are chock full of information without overloading and the visual presentation totally engages the children, ‘whetting the appetite’ for more information. Australian history buffs, I suggest you check out ebay and gumtree. One reason I know they…
Christmas Library Collection
This week we borrowed a new pile of books from our local library, some were old favourites which we borrow each year and others were new titles for us. The Donkey’s Christmas Song – Nancy Tafuri A baby was born in a stable and each of the animals welcomed Him. Simple text, crisp pictures, perfect for a 1 year old up. 5 Star Stable in Bethlehem – Joy N Hulme The Nativity in counting rhyme, 12 drowsy doves are cooing, 11 cows are mooing. Simple text suitable for little ones, sweet, soft pictures. 4.5 Star Silent Night, Holy Night – Joseph Mohr The well known Christmas carol illustrated. Soft, sweet pictures. 3 Star A…
Aussie Christmas Titles
Our Aussie Christmas collection is quite small, however I’m developing a latent fondness for Australian Christmas books. The Australian humour depicted in many books could perhaps be seen as rather irreverent by some. *Some of my higher stars, may not rate the same for non-Aussies, the humour is often cultural. Aussie Jingle Bells – Colin Buchanan “Dashing through the bus, in a rusty Holden ute, Kicking up the dust, esky in the boot.” Written to the tune of Jingle Bells, a pretty accurate depiction of many an Aussie Christmas day across the nation. Illustrations rather humorous. 4 Star *Not certain the *Aussie-ness* would be to all readers taste Gemma’s Christmas Eve – Colin Thiele(OOP)…