Home Education
Resources We Are Using
Joining up once again for more talk about ‘not back to school‘ topics with fellow Aussie homeschool families. Hosted by Kylie from Our World Wide Classroom and this week we’re chatting about ‘Resources We Are Using.’ One of the attractions of home education is the freedom to choose which resources suit individual family’s beliefs, learning styles and lifestyle. We have for you this week a collection of unique approaches and quality resources reflecting the families using them. As a long term home educating family we have long settled on our approach and subsequently managed to narrow the plethora of resources available to some outstanding choices that have withstood the ‘test of time.’ Not…
- Blog, Home Education, Home Education - Link Ups, Home Education - Our Journey, Home Education - Planning, Living
The Way We Learn
Joining up with fellow Aussie homeschool families once again to bring to you our unique perspectives about a variety of ‘not back to school‘ topics, hosted by Kylie from Our World Wide Classroom. This week we’re chatting about ‘The Way We School,’ talking about not only our philosophies but how this looks in the reality, what our home education routine really looks like. We have been home educating for nearly two decades now and our Home Education Journey has undergone many changes along the way. The dreams and visions we began with have either gained clarity along the way or been abandoned. Other areas we didn’t even consider of importance…
Goals For Our Year Ahead
The new school year begins this month Australia wide. As in years past I’m joining up with a band of Aussie families for four weeks of ‘not back to school‘ blogging chat hosted Kylie at Our World Wide Classroom. Over the next few weeks we will chat about a variety of topics relating to the upcoming year, each family bringing their unique perspectives. Kicking off this year’s Not Back To School roundup with our ‘Hopes, Dreams and Goals for Our Year Ahead’. As a long term home educating family we have many goals for our children; personal and spiritual as well as academic, the holistic person. Academically our overarching goals never change, ultimately we’re…
How Artventure Nurtures Talent
*Disclosure: We received a subscription for this program in exchange for our honest review. This post contains affiliate links. All opinions expressed in this post are our own based on our family’s experience regards the program and service. Nurturing creativity is valued in our home, various resources are always accessible and when the desire to create is present, time to do so is made available. Formal lessons with an art teacher are an experience in our distant past. Since then any teaching has come from our many ‘how to’ books. So when references to Artventure began surfacing on social media we were intrigued. Our thoughts were that undertaking art lessons online might bring…
How To Create Your Own Multiplication Chart
It has been our experience that when a child hits a ‘road block’ with maths the reason can often be traced back to not knowing their multiplication tables thoroughly enough. To this end, chanting multiplication tables has been added to the daily memorisation list this year. However I’ve been frustrated by the fact we haven’t had a wall chart, we’ve had wall charts from time to time in the past but they tend to fall down and become damaged. Reflecting that our phonics chart is still in good condition nine years later I determined to make a similar multiplication chart. Providentially we already had a blank canvas, measuring and dividing the…
- Blog, Book Reviews, Home Education, Home Education - Language Arts, Home Education - Leaping into Literature, Learning
Diving Deep: Leaping into Literature
We started strong this week with our Leaping into Literature, only to take a deeper dive when a beloved family ritual, The Bookworm made a reappearance. Instantly an intense book reading marathon engulfing the entire family ‘sprang up,’ therefore the time I’d normally devote to reading picture books was derailed into librarian tasks. I’ll explain our Bookworm ritual in further detail later this week so stay tuned. All the picture books in our family library are grouped into theme boxes; animals, Australian, history, geography etc, this week and last we have predominately focused on animals, hence why all the books in the following list are centered around this one topic. Recall the…
- Blog, Book Reviews, Home Education, Home Education - Language Arts, Home Education - Leaping into Literature, Learning
A Firm Tradition, Our Fourth Year: Leaping into Literature
Hard to believe it’s Term 4 already! For the past three years Term 4 for us has included our annual tradition; Leaping into Literature where we immerse ourselves in reading through a huge slew of picture books and the older children have time to dive into towering piles of novels. This year however I’d made the decision we would miss Leaping into Literature to continue ‘slogging away’ at Language Arts as I felt ‘pressured’ because my goals for Language Arts haven’t been meet. However it appears that once a tradition is set, it just can’t be unbroken, so we’re Leaping into Literature after all 🙂 We’re a few weeks late beginning the bookfest, but…
10 Homeschool Resources We Highly Recommend
With nearly nearly two decades of homeschooling ‘clocked up,’ we’ve been privileged to have discovered some fantastic resources along the way to suit our family’s learning style. Sharing 10 of our favourites with you, that we highly recommend. *Linking up at Aussie Mums List of 10 over at Live Life With Your Kids. 1. All About Reading I’ve waxed lyrical before about how I love, love, love All About Reading and my love affair with All About Reading continues to grow. All About Reading is a multi-sensory program that emphasises; phonics decoding, fluency and comprehension, each lesson begins with a revision of the previous knowledge learnt and builds on in the next. All…
- Blog, Home Education, Home Education - Australia, Home Education - Geography, Home Education - Planning, Learning
Australian Geography Unit
We’re rather excited to be ‘trekking around’ Australia with our Australian Geography Unit. Learning more about our nation and deepen our appreciation of this huge and diverse land we are blessed to live in. Over the past decade and a half we’ve embarked upon many unit studies, previously though our unit studies have centered around history, this time we’re focusing our studies from a geographical perspective. I’m sharing my plans with you in the hope that you may inspired to also explore Australia. I designed these plans to be a ‘template,’ wishing to re-use them for travelling to other continents/countries/states, only needing to give the plans a minor/localised tweaking. We will begin our studies with…