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    This Week in Learning: March 20th, 2015

    Maintaining a regular record of our learning continues to elude me.  Sharing the highlights of the past three weeks albeit a rather patchy recording: Reading   Jem has powered through the first book of AAR Level 1, however I currently have him revising all the word cards he has covered thus far.  I tend to skip the revision but now can see how important regular revision is. Whilst Jack Jack is faithfully reading Hey Jack and Zac Powers, he hasn’t get ‘exploded with enthusiasm’ and taken up reading on his own When I noted to Jelly Bean she hadn’t been reading for a while she explained she had ‘nothing to…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Learning Notes,  Learning

    This Week in Learning: February 27th, 2015

    Despite my best intentions it’s been three weeks since I’ve recorded any of our learning notes.  The length of time and my patchy notes mean that the following is only a partial of all we’ve learnt. My logistical issue of finding time to work with the older children was solved by PC’s suggestion of focusing on the teens 2 days a week, where the glitch now lies is my self-discipline of sticking to the plan. Two weeks in the last three saw interruptions and both times these fell on the Wednesdays. I had a choice; let the lessons go for the day or try to fit the plans into the…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - A Day in Our House,  Home Education - Link Ups,  Living

    A Day in Our Life – Aussie NBTS

    Back with the next installment of the Aussie NBTS blog hop, today I’m sharing a ‘Day in Our Life’. I was hoping when I chose to share a midweek day it would be a ‘normal day’, and it is, and it’s not, ’cause each day is always slightly different. Some days we have after school activities, some days we don’t, some days are more ‘routine perfect’, this day wasn’t.  We started late, we didn’t pray, we spent far longer house cleaning than usual, the boys were rather aggravating and yet… it was also a terrific day, we persevered and deep and real connections were made whilst the children were tracing their mega…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Link Ups,  Living

    Our Plans & Resources – Aussie NBTS

    Time for more chat over at the Aussie Not Back to School blog hop. Last week I introduced you to our students. Today we are going to talk plans and resources, as we did three years ago. It’s rather timely to be chatting about this topic as a ‘curriculum chat’ was requested by a reader during the survey. Be sure to head over to Kylie’s to check out yet more ideas and methods from other Aussie home educators. When you have been home educating for over a decade and a half, the learning and the living is all entwined, in many respects how you ‘go about’ home educating your children is an…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Learning Notes,  Learning

    This Week in Learning: February 6th, 2015

    The last fortnight we settled into a ‘full load’ of learning, well mostly, though a few areas aren’t happening due to lack of organisation on my behalf and a mis-communication between myself and some of the children.  On the whole though we’ve settled into solid, productive learning and we actually had a whole week with no interruptions!  To the mix has been added after school activities with swim squad and lessons, and dance lessons keeping us out three afternoons a week, not feeling stressed at all as we currently have Anna Maria’s assistance. One area that continues to be a challenge is finding time and energy for me to work…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Link Ups,  Living

    Meet Our Students – Aussie NBTS

    Kylie and Chareen are co-hosting the Aussie Not Back To School Blog Hop! Three years ago we joined in the fun, and it’s time again:)  Calling out to all Aussie homeschoolers to join in. Be sure to pop on over and meet everyone. We are kicking off the blog hop by introducing our ‘students’. Whilst this year we have only five ‘official students’, obviously all of our children have an impact on every aspect of our lives including our learning. Our baby, our pre-schooler and our three graduates whether living at home or far away in Sydney all play a part. If they need us, whether directly or long distance, learning is…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Learning Notes,  Learning

    This Week in Learning: January 23rd, 2015

    The new school year here in Australia begins this week but we started lessons early this year, two and a half weeks earlier than our local schools and it was an excellent decision.  We I desperately craved routine. We began with a ‘half load’ of language arts and maths then added in history.  Plan is to be on a ‘full load’ in the upcoming week. As usual there were a couple of days off for ‘life’: a meeting and an orthodontist appointment, just life so we did our best to just keep flowing along. Reading Exciting news:) Jelly Bean has progressed to the Magic Tree House books, reading at least five…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Leaping into Literature,  Home Education - Learning Notes,  Learning

    This Week in Learning: November 21st, 2014

    Whilst learning has been happening during the three weeks since I last shared, when you don’t write learning notes weekly, despite your best intentions to remember all you don’t.  Fortunately I did jot down some notes so I have a general idea of some of what we learnt. The previous weeks have been disrupted thanks to medical dramas and Carpenter’s homecoming for his College holidays. Also it’s nearing the end of the academic and calendar year and the heat has been intense, 40C (100F) days without air conditioning so the children are flagging, most days I’m pushing and prodding them along.  Not my favourite way for them to learn and…