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    Leap into Literature – Australian History

    (old pic) Last week we focused on Australian history, always a personal favourite of mine, though the children moan they know it all, not true. It was the third last week of the school year and a definite feeling of winding down. However we forged on and managed to continue with maths, independent studies for the older three, a little writing (emphasise little) and reading continued happily. Independent studies included, Church History and Science Matters for Einstein, he loves Science Matters! Lots of maths for Michelangelo, he is trying to finish up a large portion of his maths CD. Princess is loving the freedom to read as much as she…

  • Blog,  Blogging - Guest Appearances,  Home Education

    I’m in Print!

    Recently I was asked to participate in a interview for Otherways, an Australian Home Education magazine. A few times I’ve been a guest poster on blogs but this was the first time I’ve been asked for a print article!  I was rather nervous, but I gave it my ‘best shot’, and now my interview is in print! Sharing part of the interview with you, for the full interview check out this month’s Otherways.  What are the biggest challenges you face as a home educator? With a wide age spread of children to educate, meeting the needs of all is a juggle. Not only the logistics but the mental mind shifts…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Leaping into Literature,  Learning

    Leap into Literature – Back in Time

    (old pic) Into a rhythm now with our ‘Leap into Literature‘ focus, not to say we’re achieving everything planned every  day, but that is par for the course at the end of the school year.  It’s hot, we’re winding down and expecting a baby in less than a month, so all things considered I’m happy with what we’re achieving. Most exciting Jelly Bean’s reading has picked up a few paces.  Having an older child still working on reading skills is not ideal, you feel like a hamster on a wheel, stuck there for years and years, any little progress is hugely celebrated.  Added to the mix is Jack Jack who…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Leaping into Literature,  Learning

    Leap Into Literature – Around the World

     Our previous efforts ironed out the wrinkles in our organising and the past fortnight saw us in a settled rhythm.  Although we did take a few days off for socialising, not something we lightly do preferring to leave socialising for afternoons. However at this stage of my pregnancy I’m ‘knackered’ by the afternoon, but as I’ve been a hermit and have been ignoring everyone, I really needed to catch up with a few friends, afterall socialising is important too. Our best days are when we start our lessons at 8.30am, for various reasons though we kept starting late, therefore skipping our ‘Gathering Time‘.  Not a great idea, not only does Gathering Time…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Living,  Parenting

    Overcoming Social Awkwardness

    We’re firm believers in community involvement. Community involvement may look different for each family/individual, reflecting interests and beliefs.  It may include Church, homeschool groups, sport, drama, political groups, volunteer, work place etc.  Studies support that people are much happier when they belong to and are involved in a community.  Not only have we seen the importance of putting down roots within our smaller, comfortable groups but we have seen the benefits of participating within the wider community. Social skills are taught at home and through interaction with the family and the wider community, we have a duty to ensure we model, instil and insist on good social skills for our…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Leaping into Literature,  Learning

    Leap into Literature, Three Weeks In

    Previously I shared that our Leap into Literature ‘was a resounding success!’, I really should have known better.  We’ve been homeschooling for a decade and a half now and I know that ‘first days/weeks’ are always followed by an adjustment period. In this case it wasn’t over-ambition, I have finally learnt not to over-schedule, though it took many years to learn that lesson, but simply life. Although the life interruptions were ones that I also know how to avoid, outside appointments should always be made for afternoons, and telephone calls should never be made/answered in the mornings.   Consequently our one week focus on Science ended up being a two week…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Leaping into Literature,  Learning

    Reflections on Beginning Our Leap into Literature

    We launched our Leaping into Literature plan this week and it was a resounding success!  With its focus on literature and the 4Rs we had a structure which still allowed for a relaxed atmosphere. No ‘completing work with a tick box mentality’, it was so lovely, the atmosphere was what we used to have years back and I have missed for so long:):):) We didn’t achieve all I’d planned, but that was fine, I implemented a rolling plan (thanks Ruth) and it worked beautifully.  The rolling plan meant if everything I wanted to achieve each day wasn’t, we simply started with what hadn’t been accomplished the previous day.  ie if one day we…

  • Blog,  Books - A Book and Activity,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Leaping into Literature,  Home Education - Planning,  Learning,  Living

    Leaping into Literature

    Next week our holidays draw to a close and we begin the final term of the year.  As I contemplated what direction I wished our studies to take in the next 10 week block I knew I needed to be realistic, we have three indisputable factors that create a major impact.  I am now in my final trimester with baby due two days before term ends (and babies have their own timetables), Advent begins in December bringing its own rhythm, and it is spring/summer which means extreme heat, distraction and pleas for more swimming time!! Yet I am determined that we conclude the year well, stretching abilities and learning deeply…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Art & Craft,  Home Education - Highschool,  Home Education - Reggio Emilia,  Home Education - Science,  Learning

    Recent Creativity In Our Home

      Princess has been totally engaged lately in teaching herself how to draw. We’ve been completely impressed and surprised to see what previously unknown talent she has.   How to Draw books abound on our shelves, so she has plenty of instruction.   Note the detail, the leg line, the eye expression! Princesses of course are a popular theme to draw:)   Michelangelo has been captivated by creating K’nex models.     No surprise really as his mind is wired this way, we call him when we need to ‘think outside the box’, to solve a design problem, to create a new invention.   Apparently we are lacking sufficient yellow’…