
  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Leaping into Literature,  Learning

    Leaping into Literature: Six Years Strong

    A Tradition begun way back in 2013 is still beating strong. As with every 4th Term for the past six years we enjoyed reading our way through piles of picture books, a tradition we look forward to each year. Our Leaping into Literature immersion as per usual was accompanied by the children giving their opinions and star ratings. This year’s participating children shrunk to only four; 13, 11, 8 & 5 years.  Due to the growing ages of the children we also included short chapter books, as the interest of some in picture books is beginning to wane just a little, my heart begins to break. Short Chapter Mr Pettigrew’s…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Leaping into Literature,  Learning

    Leaping into Literature: Animals & Anthropomorphism

    The past fortnight saw us once again diving deep into our Leaping into Literature immersion. This fortnight we focused on reading our way through our collection of Animal and Anthropomorphism (attribution of human characteristics & behaviour to animals) picture books. We discovered and re-discovered some real treasures, we also discovered some total duds. When well done, picture books can be wonderful avenues for learning, informative and engaging, and springboards for the imagination, Jack Jack (12) was so inspired by one book he began re-writing plot twists. Yet some picture books can be such a disappointment, the illustrations gorgeous but the text dull, the premise of the book rich with possibility but…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Leaping into Literature,  Learning

    Leaping Into Literature: A Tradition Returns

    Way back in 2013 I had an idea and like all great ideas it took off, blazing a path. The idea was to devote the whole of Term 4 to an immersion in literature, predominately with a focus on quality picture books. When introducing new ideas to our children I need to carefully consider as often my great ideas quickly become firm Tradition, as has our Leaping into Literature, which now reaches it’s 6th year!!   Over the years, with our older children particularly in mind, we have expanded our Leaping into Literature Term to include another Tradition, our Bookworm.  This is a favourite, oft visited reading competition which the whole…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Our Journey,  Learning

    Homeschool Burnout & Recovery

    Nearly twelve years ago we achieved our dream, one we’d been working towards for years. We finally purchased our rural property! It was the best of both worlds, 147 acres/49 ha only 15 minutes from town. The property was everything we had looked for with the variety we wanted. It was; cleared, semi-cleared and bush, there were flats and hills, a creek and dams. Plenty of land for the children to explore and enjoy, a dam to swim in complete with a flying fox and canoes, space for a dune buggy to roar around in and trees to build a tree house in, places to go camping, freedom to be…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Curriculum Reviews,  Home Education - Highschool,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Learning

    All About Spelling: Level 7

    Upon * I received a copy of All About Spelling Level 7 in exchange for a review of this product. The following is an honest review of our family’s experience using it. This post contains affiliate links, we gratefully appreciate your support.    To any who have been reading my blog for a time it will comes as no surprise to hear me say once again that I love the All About Learning products, both the Reading and Spelling. You have likely heard me pepper comments here and there about these programs, or you may have read my reviews regards All About Reading Pre-Reading and All About Reading Level 1, chances are though…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Learning Notes,  Home Education - Maths,  Learning

    Maths & Spelling Only For Seven Days: Our Pick-A-Box Challenge

    A few weeks ago we Read Only for a Week using a system of a Pick-a-Read Challenge in which the children chose various reading activities from a variety of suggestions and by the week’s end all were reading far more confidently and frequently, our week was declared a success! Inspired I decided to target another couple of areas for a week and a half, namely maths and spelling, I brainstormed ways in which the children could have fun but still engage with the subject matter. With maths I wanted to children to see outside their maths program and apply maths to the world around them, spelling, I simply wanted them to devote more time…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Language Arts,  Home Education - Learning Notes,  Learning

    Read Only For A Week: Our Pick-A-Read Challenge

    The Need Recently we suspended our regular learning routine for a week to try something a little different. We have a few children whose reading skills are in want of attention. One who needs encouragement to blossom, another who can functionally read, though not at age level and never for pleasure. Another teetering on the edge of being a reader and another as ‘keen as mustard’ without all the skills needed. Reflecting I realised that the majority of these situations could be addressed by time. Time to focus simply on reading with no other distractions. Which is exactly what we did, we put aside a week to focus on only…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Art & Craft,  Home Education - Curriculum Reviews,  Learning

    How Artventure Nurtures Talent

    *Disclosure: We received a subscription for this program in exchange for our honest review. This post contains affiliate links. All opinions expressed in this post are our own based on our family’s experience regards the program and service. Nurturing creativity is valued in our home, various resources are always accessible and when the desire to create is present, time to do so is made available. Formal lessons with an art teacher are an experience in our distant past. Since then any teaching has come from our many ‘how to’ books. So when references to Artventure began surfacing on social media we were intrigued. Our thoughts were that undertaking art lessons online might bring…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Maths,  Learning

    How To Create Your Own Multiplication Chart

    It has been our experience that when a child hits a ‘road block’ with maths the reason can often be traced back to not knowing their multiplication tables thoroughly enough. To this end, chanting multiplication tables has been added to the daily memorisation list this year. However I’ve been frustrated by the fact we haven’t had a wall chart, we’ve had wall charts from time to time in the past but they tend to fall down and become damaged. Reflecting that our phonics chart is still in good condition nine years later I determined to make a similar multiplication chart.   Providentially we already had a blank canvas, measuring and dividing the…