
  • Blog,  Musings

    Mum, When you were a girl…?

    Michaelangelo asked me yesterday, “Mum when you were a girl did they have television?” My jaw dropped, just how old does he think I am??? “Yes son, television came out when your Marnie was a girl” (Not to imply that you are old either mum;) “Oh, well did you have colour television then or was it black and white?” ” Colour TVs where around when I was a girl.” Gee what will he think to ask next, and just maybe I need to use the moisturiser more faithfully, mmm.

  • Blog,  Faith,  Family,  Musings

    Unsung Heroes, My Hero

    In days of old men showed their valour by becoming knights and performing extraordinary feats of courage. They were admired and acclaimed far and wide. Many performed these deeds in the name of Our Lord, true and faithful Christians. What feats of courage and daring are there for the modern Christian knight? What can he do to prove his fealty and valour to Our Lord? There are many, many opportunities for today’s knight but he will NOT be admired and acclaimed for these deeds far and wide, but I do pray that he will be in the sphere of his own castle. My own knight and prince, Prince Charming proves…

  • Blog,  Musings

    The Priveleges I had

    A very interesting Meme circling the blogsphere. From What Privileges Do You Have?, based on an exercise about class and privilege developed by Will Barratt, Meagan Cahill, Angie Carlen, Minnette Huck, Drew Lurker, Stacy Ploskonka at Illinois State University. If you participate in this blog game, they ask that you PLEASE acknowledge their copyright. Bold the true statements. 1. Father went to college 2. Father finished college 3. Mother went to college 4. Mother finished college 5. Have any relative who is an attorney, physician, or professor. 6. Were the same or higher class than your high school teachers. (Not sure what this one means??) 7. Had more than 50…

  • Blog,  Blogging,  Musings

    Why Seven Little Australians

    Over at 4 Real Learning we have been discussing the meanings behind our blog names. When I was pregnant with my seventh child I looked forward to being able to say I had Seven Little Australians. For those not familiar with Australian literature Seven Little Australians is an Australian classic written in 1894 by Ethel Turner This is her first book of the escapades of a family of seven children. These children are not angels, they are a wild mob but they have touched the hearts of many an Australian. I well remember first reading the book as a child. I loved the children, I laughed with them, was shocked…