Overcoming Social Awkwardness
We’re firm believers in community involvement. Community involvement may look different for each family/individual, reflecting interests and beliefs. It may include Church, homeschool groups, sport, drama, political groups, volunteer, work place etc. Studies support that people are much happier when they belong to and are involved in a community. Not only have we seen the importance of putting down roots within our smaller, comfortable groups but we have seen the benefits of participating within the wider community. Social skills are taught at home and through interaction with the family and the wider community, we have a duty to ensure we model, instil and insist on good social skills for our…
Our Tapestry of Sorrow and Healing
Ten years ago we began our journey along the Via Dolorosa, not a road we would have willingly choosen, the pain was intense and yet from the suffering our relationship with Our Lord changed and intensified, He does indeed carry you. Admidst our pain we were also blessed with incredibly precious moments. Ten years ago today I was 18 weeks pregnant, it was the day we discovered that our sweet babe had died. Two days prior whilst at my brother’s 21st party I had begun bleeding, I whispered to my husband what was happening and we sat quietly hoping and praying. We left as soon as soon as possible, putting myself…
Sharing Over……
Today I am sharing over at Carrots for Michalmas about rather a personal topic, one that needs to be talked about and yet due to the nature of the subject matter doesn’t often get a lot ‘of airing’. Haley has been courageous enough to open the discussion. So I’ve taken a big breath and nervously shared part of our journey in using Natural Family Planning.
Still Chatting Elsewhere
Recently I began a conversation over at And Then There Were Four about ‘teaching helping skills.’ The conversation has continued and concludes “It is heartening indeed when your children take ownership in their jobs, not only completing it to satisfaction but having a real sense of pride in their ability.” I’d love to thank Multiple Mum for inviting me to be a guest poster at her blog, truthfully it was harder than I thought, writing in someone else’s space is different to writing in your own, but I was so honoured to be asked I gave it my ‘best shot’.
Chatting Elsewhere Today
One of the amazing benefits of the blogging community is finding like minded spirits, one such blogger for me is And then there were four. Multiple Mum is an Aussie blogger who ponders aloud, about life, community, her love for her children and general deep thoughts about everything, simply, I enjoy MM’s conversations and know if we ever were blessed to meet we’d have lots to say. Imagine my delighted surprise and honour when Multiple Mum asked me to be a guest poster at her blog! Today I’m over there chatting about ‘teaching helping skills’. “Studies increasingly point to the importance that chores play in self-identity, self-esteem, work ethic and the formation of habits…
Turning Off the Screen
Joyfully we listen to the sound of children playing outside in the winter sun, inside the computer screens sit silent. Far too often lately the children have been indoors grouped around the computer screens, finally however we have declared ‘enough!’ For the first nine years of our marriage the only electronic screen in our home was a rarely used computer. Life was far simpler, with no TV/DVDs and very minimal computer exposure, our children played outside for hours; in the sandpit, climbing trees and building from scraps of timber; inside they spent many hours crafting, playing with jigsaws and ‘dressing up’. As much I wish it had, life didn’t stay…
Savouring the Moment
A chance comment a fortnight ago has prompted some ponderings. ‘Tracey’, a mum of six aged 3-19, and I were admiring my Bass and her youngest. Tracey shared how she feels so much more relaxed and patient as a mother in her 30s than she did in her 20s. I agreed, I knew exactly what she meant. Upon reflection however I’m not certain that age is the reason, I know of new mothers in their 30s who are not experiencing this. Whatever the reason, I have been conscious of this feeling since Jem’s birth two and a half years ago. Although I am blessed with a relaxed personality naturally, there…
Is My Life Really Less Chaotic?
I well remember when all the children were little, when I had four children under six. It seemed then that there were days in which I lurched from one disaster to another. Scenes flit through my memories, the little crises; the smashed dozen eggs, the pound of butter ground into the back steps baking in the sun, the broken dishes, toilet training and a myriad others. And the scenes that haunt my memories, the bigger crises; the stopped up tub drain that overflowed and poured water through the ceiling, scaling a ladder left up by builders, 8 months pregnant in pursuit of our 18 month old as he danced along…
Table Manners
Table Manners is an ongoing process and something PC and I believe important. Growing up I remember my father being emphatic that boys should not turn up to the table bare chested and your chair must remain on four legs, my mother was emphatic that each meal was worthy of a tablecloth, PC’s mother is emphatic as to what is regarded as ‘polite table talk’. These habits are ingrained in PC and I, and in turn we have passed these on, but we still have other areas to cultivate. Table manners add or detract to the atmosphere of a meal. Whether it is your own child or a visiting child,…