Book Reviews
Confirmation Resources/Plans
Later this year Michelangelo will be making his Confirmation at our Homeschool Camp; with our Bishop’s blessing we prepare our children ourselves. I have total confidence in preparing our little ones for First Confession/First Holy Communion, however, despite ‘preparing’ three children to date for Confirmation I still struggle in feeling confident I have imparted all I need to. Point of fact is; what do I really need to impart? As ages of Reception vary greatly around the country and globe, resource content reflect this, I haven’t found a blueprint that sets it out clearly. For Michelangelo’s three older siblings I’ve used Spreading and Defending the Faith – Image of God Series; parts…
Sacramental Preparation
This year Jelly Bean will be making/receiving her First Confession and First Holy Communion. We are in the blessed position of being able to prepare our children ourselves. The majority of the resources we’re using I have used before to prepare her older siblings, although I’m adding a few new titles this time around.. The New St Joseph First Communion Catechism – Fr Lovasik I have used this little book with all my children, a great little gem to make certain I have covered all bases. Ten Eager Hearts – Sister of Notre Dame An OOP gem; each story contains incredibly inspiring stories of children preparing for their FHC…
Boys and Books
A large focus of education today is illiteracy and in particular illiteracy and boys. The solution of many educators is to encourage boys to read extreme ‘twaddle’, books such as Captain Underpants and Santa Did a Fart! In my opinion and many others, including author Max Elliot Anderson this is not the solution. From their earliest years we have read to our boys; adventure, mystery and fantasy, nature and historical novels. Many of these books feature boys; boys achieving brave and daring deeds, solving crime, surviving in the wilderness, being courageous and chivalrous. Our boys have many favourites and everyday will find them spending an hour or more enjoying the…
Tomie de Paola’s Christmas Titles
When I was first introduced to Tomie de Paola I wasn’t an immediate fan, his artwork didn’t appeal to me. However I did enjoy his Saint books so I gave him a ‘second chance’ and he became a familiar ‘friend’. We now have a number of his books including his Christmas titles. Merry Christmas Strega Nona Strega Nona loves Christmas and has much preparation to undertake before she hosts a village party at her home. Big Anthony wants to use magic, but Strega Nona replies, “No magic at Natale”. By the story’s conclusion Big Anthony demonstrates he has learnt Strega Nona’s message when he organises the village to surprise Strega…
Christmas Selections from Our Town Library
As Advent is shortly around the corner I’ve been opening our Advent/Christmas book boxes and re-discovering old friends. Many I have already shared at Aussie Book Threads and I have many more to share with you yet. I thought for this post though, I’d share ones I borrow yearly from our local library. Mmm must reserve before all my local friends click away;) Stephen’s Feast – Jean Richardson A young page, Stephen travels with King Wenceslas in the cold and snow to take wood and food to a poor man’s dwelling by St Agnes’ fountain. The young thoughtless page is inspired to be more generous. Based on the carol.…
Living Math – Multiplication Picture Books
Our Princess has been struggling with maths. In particular she has needed to know her times tables but has been most reluctant. In a bid to foster a love of maths we put the workbooks aside and began a different mathematical journey. Knowing Princess enjoys picture books we sought out Living Math Picture Books. I spent time perusing the recommendations at Living Math, sorting through for Living Math Picture Books based on multiplication. The age suitability wasn’t clear either so it took time to decide what was appropriate for a nine year old. Multiplication Picture Books Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies – Louise Matthews Teach multiplication in a…
Native Americans, Book Collection
Princess has long had an interest in Native Americans. Last year with the help of her brothers she built a tepee and presents for her eighth birthday included of a number Native American books. Her interest has still not abated, so whilst the older children are enjoying SOTW4, Princess and I are reading our way through a growing pile of books. We have discovered some real treasures, so thought we’d share. In our search for titles the following sites were most helpful; Embracing the Child – Native American, S-Collection – Native American Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Cynthia Leitich Smith- Native American Indians Authors and Illustrators Crazy Horses’ Vision –…
- Blog, Book Reviews, Home Education, Home Education - Curriculum Reviews, Home Education - Geography, Home Education - Highschool, Learning
Geography for Highschool
This year my three teenagers have been using Brenda Runkle’s ‘World Physical Geography’, this is the first time we have used a formal approach to geography. As Koala has just finished the program (she has crammed a year’s program into 6 months) I have interviewed her as my guest poster:) Welcome Koala:) I’d like to ask you some questions about your World Physical geography studies, thank you for taking the time to answer. Was this program written as a text book or a living book? It wasn’t a text book in the dry sense of the word, but more a living book with text questions. Each chapter had revision questions…
Braving the Antarctica/Arctic Regions
A few months ago we borrowed a stack of Antarctica/Arctic books from our local library. Sharing titles for any who are hardy enough to brave the Poles. Perky Little Penguins – Troy Mitton Bright pictures, simple text following the antics of little penguins as they slide and jump and waddle. Sydney of the Antarctic – Coral Tulloch The journey of Sydney, a stuffed rabbit, who visits the Antarctic, mildly informative with a sweet story line. The Last Polar Bears – Harry Horse Grandfather is on an expedition to the North Pole in search of the last polar bears. He is accompanied by Roo, a dog of character and strong views,…