Books - History

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    Our Sunburnt Country – Land Of The Dreamtime

    One of the pleasures of blog writing is ‘meeting’ people I would otherwise have never ‘met’. I particularly love when readers email me and we end up striking up a friendship as Sherelle, a regular commenter and emailer from Queensland and I have. When Sherelle emailed me with a request for “ideas for complementary activities/worksheets to go with Our Sunburnt Country – Arthur Baillie,” I was keen to assist and offered to organise a booklist of complementary picture/chapter books. Our Sunburnt Country is one of our favourite core books of Australian history, it covers Australian History from pre-European contact through till the end of World War 2(see pg 7). I have chosen a selection of recommended picture and chapter…

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    Books Read Aloud – January Thru May, 2016

    Each month I have intentions of writing and sharing scintillating reviews of the books I’ve read that month, the embarrassing truth though is, the sheer amount of books I devour is daunting so I abandon my post midway and return to reading. Perhaps I should adopt Modern Mrs Darcy’s approach and share, “three books I love, one I hate.”   ‘Diving in’ by sharing some of the books I’ve been reading aloud with our children, certain we’ve read more but my record keeping has been patchy. We have a number of books being simultaneously read from our two/three reading baskets due to our children’s wide age spread, whilst there is much ‘cross over’ of listening with…

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    The Emperor Who Built the Great Wall of China

    When Jillian Lin asked me if I would like to review a copy of her new book The Emperor Who Built the Great Wall of China, I was intrigued by the subject matter, and highly honoured as is the first time I’ve been approached by an author to review her book. (Though I have been asked previously on behalf of two authors.) A fascinating picture book that introduces children to the first Chinese emperor, whilst easily understood, the book is packed with information. We learn how the seven kingdoms became one, of the unity Emperor Qin Shihuang bought to China through the use of one coinage and one writing system, of…

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    14 Amazing Anzac Day Books

    Last week was Anzac Day(Australian New Zealand Army Corp) a day in which we, as a nation remember our fellow Australians who have served and died in wars.  One way in which to help children understand about War and the sacrifices our service men and women have made is through reading and discussing.  I’ve recently discovered several new books to add to our collection, sharing 14 amazing Anzac Day books and be sure to check out previously shared titles. Picture Books Let the Celebrations Begin – Margaret Wild Memorial – Gary Crew Photographs in the Mud – Dianne Wolfer One Boy’s War – Lynn Huggins Cooper My Grandad Marches on Anzac…

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    World War 2 – Persecution and Internment Camps

     *Denotes book is from our local library for the benefit of my local readers. *Hiding from the Nazis – David Adler The true story of a young girl who was ‘hidden’ with a Christian family in Holland during the Nazi occupation of WW2.  Lore Baer’s family had escaped Germany a few years before and believed they were safe in Holland.  When the Nazi’s invaded Holland they had to go in hiding, for extra protection many families split up, children separated from their parents.  After the war Lore’s parents came to take her home but they were strangers to her. This was an incredibly well written book on a deep topic,…

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    Fashion History

    Different Like Coco – Elizabeth Matthews Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel was always different; poor, skinny and an orphan and she turned that difference to an advantage. Creative with sewing skills she began making clothes that suited her figure, and soon a new generation of independent working women craved her sleek, comfortable designs.  She revolutionised the fashion industry.  An excellent picture biography, fascinating.  4 Star Levi Strauss Gets a Bright Idea – Tony Johnston What’s a Californian Miner to do when gold dust sifts right out of his holey pockets? Good thing Levi Strauss heads out west with his needle and full of bright ideas. Levi keeps all the gold rush miners in…

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    A True Story From Afghanistan

    Nasreen’s Secret School – Jeanette Winter Based on a true story, set in Afghanistan during the Taliban regime, in 1996-2001.  Nasreen’s parents are taken away by the Taliban and she stops speaking. Her grandmother desperately enrolls her in a secret school for girls.  A new friend, a devoted teacher and the world of books finally encourages Nasreen to talk.   Excellent text, lovely illustrations. This book opened up a totally new world to my children and there was much to discuss, the Taliban, persecution, the importance of education, Afghanistan history and achievements, people’s determination to overcome adversity.  5 Star

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    Migrant/Refugee Picture Books

    Ziba Came on a Boat – Liz Lofthouse Based on actual events, a moving story of a little girl whose family has lost everything.  Ziba, her mother and other women and children from her tiny village escape the war in Afghanistan by travelling on an overcrowded fishing boat to a new land, a new life and freedom. Ziba dreams of what she is leaving behind and hopes for the future. Generated discussions with our children about refuges, what prompts them to flee their land to another.  Hopefully they understand how blessed we are in Australia and how brave the refugees are. Suitable for 5 – 9 yr olds. 4 Star Old…

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    Chinese Picture Books

    As we ‘toured the world‘ during the past fortnight we discovered some new Chinese picture books, and re-visted some previously shared. Peeking Ducks – Krista Bell A sweet story about inquisitive duck siblings who didn’t listen to their parents advice and wandered down their stream to the Big River. Many dangers nearly befall them but they luckily advert all dangers and make it down to the River and back home again safely. Cute. 3 Star The Magic Pillow – Demi  A poor boy named Ping is give a magic pillow and dreams of what a lifetime of wealth and power would be like, he concludes the riches of family and…