Unsung Heroes, My Hero
In days of old men showed their valour by becoming knights and performing extraordinary feats of courage. They were admired and acclaimed far and wide. Many performed these deeds in the name of Our Lord, true and faithful Christians. What feats of courage and daring are there for the modern Christian knight? What can he do to prove his fealty and valour to Our Lord? There are many, many opportunities for today’s knight but he will NOT be admired and acclaimed for these deeds far and wide, but I do pray that he will be in the sphere of his own castle. My own knight and prince, Prince Charming proves…
that we are to be blessed with a Precious Gift from God:):):) Baby is due on the 22nd of September, a spring baby! so that makes me currently 11 weeks. We are all so excited and the children are VERY excited. If you could spare some prayers though, I have a hemotoma, which is a blood clot, apparently not that uncommon, but I have already have lost a large amount of blood and several clots. Yesterday saw my second scan in a fortnight (which is alot of scans for a woman who never has scans) all is well, baby is intact, it is the hemotoma causing all this. So looks…
The Tooth Fairy is Kept Busy
We had a record breaker last night, three children lost a tooth each in the one day. Amazing, what are the odds of that happening? Just picture three cups lined up in a row last night awaiting for the tooth fairy to visit. Not a sight that will be seen often. There will be some beaming, toothless smiles this morning:)
Spring has arrived!
The first day of Spring dawned as a beautiful sunny day, I love spring! We celebrated the occasion by traveling to watch Nature Boy play in the soccer semi-finals. The first time his team has made it thus far. Unfortunately they were defeated. As the game was held in a nearby beach town we took the occasion to go swimming in the surf. The water was a little cold but that didn’t stop the children from enjoying their swim, Prince Charming took along his garden shovels and enjoyed digging in the sand:) We truly live near some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The sand is pristine, the…
We’re Goin’ to the Chapel…
My little sister is getting married…. Congratulations Monette and Michael!! Michael, welcome to the family. May God shower you both with his blessings:)
100th Birthday Celebrations
December 7th, 2006 Early this week saw us in Sydney for the celebration of Prince Charming’s Great Aunt’s 100th Birthday. What amazing accomplishments this lady has achieved, and for God, for Prince Charming’s aunt is a Bride of Christ. Mother Mark or Sister Mark was born in 1906 the seventh of ten children, in 1928 she left her home to join the Sisters of Little Mary. Many achievements for God followed, some of these include the role of Mother Superior for a number of years and the founding of a hospital in Canberra, Calvary Hospital. She also started a training centre for the care of female psychiatric patients and the…
So Proud!
November 28th, 2006 Recently our children have been branching out into new areas. For Nature Boy this has included a term of art lessons. This was a big step for him as he ventured forth on his own without his siblings. It was good to see his self-confidence blossom and his teacher was very good at getting him to be assertive in his decision making in regards to his art work.. His teacher is excellent in fact at drawing the most from the children, true she is rather formidable in some ways but she does love to see the children progress. The term ended with all the members of the…