Home Education
This Week in Learning: October 31st, 2014
In my mind this week will always be dominated by two major events; Einstein sat for his STAT test and informed me he that he has formally finished his academic studies at home, and Jelly Bean galloped away with reading, gulping down piles of books a day and begging for more. After Einstein sat for his STAT test he informed me he had finished his secondary studies, in his words, “I’ve slaved away for 13 years and I’m done!” I had mixed thoughts; the first was, “slaved away, really!!??” but he enjoys talking in italics, actually I think his studies were harder on me than him;) Second panicked thought was, “have…
- Blog, Home Education, Home Education - Language Arts, Home Education - Leaping into Literature, Learning
Leaping into Literature: Excellent Finds
We seem to be ‘enjoying a theme’ of interrupted weeks this term. Our challenges this week included days off to welcome home our teen Pilgrims (hooray they are home safe and sound:) and for our town’s annual festival. Both of course important events, nevertheless I’m happy that we’ve managed to continue with solid learning despite the many life events being thrown at us. I was excited to discover a couple of picture biographies this week, Meet Douglas Mawson by Mike Dumbleton and Jubilee! One Man’s BIG, BOLD, and VERY, VERY LOUD CELEBRATION of PEACE – Alicia Potter were excellent, as were some of our Art, Antarctica and Aboriginal finds, which I really do plan…
This Week in Learning: October 24th, 2014
With the older children still away I’d had high hopes for a wildly productive academic week after last week being a disrupted one. The week however evolved into an un-ordinary week again with yet another dental visit and our monthly get together with our local homeschool group. Our focus this month was The Human Body in Sculpture. Each month throughout the year a different family organises an activity, they have included; print art, felt making, science activities, orienteering, lawn bowls, library tour and our annual sports day. Our group started meeting again this year after a hiatus and has been quite successful with our numbers increasing and many wonderful friendships being formed.…
- Blog, Home Education, Home Education - Language Arts, Home Education - Leaping into Literature, Learning
Leaping into Literature: A Few Keepers
Last week we launched our ‘traditional’ 4th Term venture, Leaping into Literature with a bang. Readers commented on the ‘low marks’ the children assigned to some of the books, and I confess to surprise myself, they were tough critics. Keep in mind though that the children rating the picture books are 10, 8 & 6, so they are going to be a harder sell than younger children, actually several books our 6 year old rates higher than his siblings, thus the star rating is sometimes an average score. This week there were more Keepers than Duds, whilst many of the books I reserved via the online catalogue, I picked up…
This Week in Learning: October 17th, 2014
Our second week back, though despite my plans it turned out not to be an ordinary week, but then is there such a thing as an ordinary week with a houseful of children and a homeschooling lifestyle, I think not. One morning I spent a couple of hours with one child as they talked and talked about D&M topics (remember D&M? – deep and meaningful, 80s code word), always a precious gift to share a child’s heart and time must always be made to listen. Unexpectedly the School Dental Clinic rang with appointments (no cost!) for the younger children on Wednesday morning and the older children shopped and packed for…
- Blog, Home Education, Home Education - Language Arts, Home Education - Leaping into Literature, Learning
Leaping Into Literature: A Tradition
Last year towards the end of 4th term we immersed ourselves in literature, reading our way through towering piles of books, christening this time, Leaping into Literature. It was so popular we’ve decided to conclude our school year this way once again, thus a tradition has been born. As per our approach last year we are focusing on literature and the 4Rs although this year our Leaping into Literature is more for the younger children. Our teenagers’ focus is more of an intensive writing/grammar nature, so they aren’t joining us other than reading as per usual, which translates to a a couple of books a week for each teen. Our first week…
This Week in Learning: October 10th, 2014
This week was our first week back studying, our last term of the year, I’d be less than truthful if I said it was all plain sailing. I wrote an email on the first day to a new homeschooling mama encouraging her, words that are true for myself too, “… never expect too much your first day, usually a few tears all around, so hugs and prayers today.” After nearly two decades of homeschooling I have finally learnt to tone my hopes down to realistic bites. When PC asked how our day had gone, I was able to answer happily, “really good” and it was, even though we had only put…
Annual Athletics Carnival – 15th Year
*All photo credits go to our daughter Anna Maria, the official photographer of the day, who took over 1,300 photos on the day!! Monday saw us enjoying our annual Home Education Athletics Carnival. Hard to believe it has been 15 years since our local group began hosting this event, in fact when we began this lad was a new babe in arms. This year was his final year to compete and he really gave it his all. The passion, determination and skill of 17 year old boys is impressive to say the least. The skill of 15 year old boys is rather remarkable too.…
Art Lessons Via Youtube
Drawing is hugely popular with the children at present. Yesterday we were totally amazed with Jack Jack’s(7) drawing of Princess Anna (Frozen) Jelly Bean’s(9) drawing of Olaf (Frozen) is pretty cool too;) as are the following three drawings of hers. Art and craft is not a strength area of mine. For years I’ve been eaten up with ‘mummy guilt’ over what I wasn’t teaching, what we weren’t achieving. Foolishly I even spent time comparing myself to friends who are gifted in more traditional creative areas. Finally I developed an acceptance of myself, appreciated my different talents and stopped comparing myself to others. Fortunately though this doesn’t mean our children miss…