Blog Review 2012
Looking back over the year via your blog is always rather interesting. This year I thought rather than share your favourite posts (my stat button isn’t allowing me to look at the year’s favourites) I’d share my favourites:) Sometimes my favourites are yours, sometimes not, as this is so tough to choose I’m going to allow myself a maximum of three favourites a month. January Happy New Year, 2012, love my goals for 2012 (not that different to 2013) Grain Free for over a Year, we were pretty proud to reach this milestone. Yoghurt in the Slow Cooker, favourite recipe February She Goes Forth, The Times They are A Changin’, bittersweet…
Happy New Year, 2013
Happy New Year to al!!l:) A New Year is an exciting event, a blank canvas awaiting the opportunity of new possibilities with a chance to re-write the script. The last couple of days I’ve been reflecting on the year passed and mulling with fresh resolve for the New Year unfolding. As in years past I’ve spent time considering my ‘word‘ for 2013, then I read Jennifer’s post on NY Resolutions for the Overwhelmed and I realised my script wasn’t that dissimilar to hers, the same issues here seem to re-occur year after year, with some year’s progress is more noticeable than others. Like Jennifer, if we could just get a regular,…
Hug Your Loved Ones Extra Tight Tonight
Tonight my heart aches. This week the homeschooling community in Australia is grieving. Earlier this week Elijah Rainbow Fisher, 6mths tragically drowned. Since I heard the news yesterday I have been in a fog, I cannot comprehend the pain that his mother is bowed under. During the night as I tended to my precious boy I thought of Lauren, thought of her empty arms, the enormous stresses she is under, I mourned for their loss, prayed for her and her girls, and for her husband. Then I blessed my child and kissed him repeatedly thinking all the while of another mother’s pain. I am gutted, I simply can’t make sense of…
Strangers Passing Judgement
Last week Carpenter had a driving lesson prior to his driving test. Afterwards the instructor discussed the areas needing fine tuning and suggested a few more lessons. Thinking about how we had managed to get him thus far (120 hrs of supervision) and feeling totally confident in concentrating on those areas myself, and considering that each lesson is $50 a lesson I brushed him off with a mumble about the cost. The instructor answered “I understand, but what price for your child’s safety?” I saw red!!!! Why is it considered within today’s society, totally permissible for strangers to pass judgements on parents? Obviously this is not the first time I have encountered these types of…
When PC surprised me with the purchase of our NEW lounge for my 40th Birthday I was thrilled. The arrival of a our brand new, leather lounge, signified not simply the purchase of a quality piece of furniture but the culmination of years of waiting, our dream come true. I admit to bafflement today with the trend to expect to ‘have it all’ immediately upon setting up house. The instant gratification outlook that prevails in our society, not only means falling into the debt trap or creating a ‘need’ for a double income, it circumvents the sweeter appreciation that comes with waiting and then being able to truly appreciate your ‘reward’. Whilst…
The Lost Art of Letter Writing
During the holidays I finally sorted and organised years of accumulated paper memorabilia. Cards from important events such as; birthdays, Christmases, our Wedding, sympathy, baby congratulations (easier to sort when newborn’s name is specified). A tangible family history, most treasured were re-reading cards with meaningful messages. Then there was a smaller collection of letters. Love notes from our courting days, cards from our engagement months, letters exchanged throughout our married life, a handful of letters from friends and relatives (mostly my sister:) and the jackpot were my grandmother’s letters. My departed grandmother was a prolific writer and wrote many words of wisdom to me after our marriage. It was such a…
Happy New Year, 2012
Every New Year for the last three years, I have chosen a Word that helps me focus on an area of importance throughout the year. Glancing back over the words of the last few years I see; Savour/Treasure/Memories and Habits/Self-Discipline, note, two common threads here. I had been thinking ‘In the Moment’ for 2012 but tonight when I shared my observations about the commonality with my family, Anna Maria asked a thought provoking question. Why did I keep having a similar themed word? Was it that the similar words were a continual area of interest, or do I feel I keep failing to reach my Word goal? PC feels it is the first.…
Little Changes, Big Satisfaction
The vast majority of the populace is not destined to hike the Himalayas or trek the Amazon, for most, daily life consists of much of the mundane. Yet our lives weave a rich tapestry and great satisfaction is to be gained for an appreciation of the ‘little details’ that make up the pattern of our lives. Your child’s smile, your husband’s wink, the call of kookaburras, the smell of fresh washing, re-organising your linen can all bring great contentment. This past weekend our world was full of little details that bought great satisfaction. I made good on my plan and deep cleaned the study. One thing led to another and we began moving…
Word for 2011
For the last couple of years I have selected a Word for each year. This Word represents my focus, direction, desire or motivation for where I feel led in the upcoming year. 2011 will herald an ‘end of an era’ for us. Our first born, Koala will conclude her formal education at home in December 2011. So this will be our final year of having all our children learning together, our family dynamics will change forever more. So my word for 2011 is; Savour which is really interchangeable with Treasure. Interesting to note my previous Words were; Self-Discipline for 2010, and 2009 I chose two, Memories and Habits.