
  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Geography,  Home Education - Planning,  Learning,  Living

    Enjoying and Recording the Sights of Asia

    Following are the detailed plans which I will hand to our older children for our Asian sojourn. I have previously shared our goals and resources. I share them here in the humble hope that they may help others as I have been often been generously aided. Create a continent notebook; include narrations, art work, recipes,photos, maps, flags and Fact Sheet from your study. Travel Agency magazines are great for pics. Narration illustrations can use watercolors, lyra pencils, or block crayons. Mapwork Draw a map of your country, include the capital city, neighbouring oceans and countries. Continent Felt Maps You may like to make a felt map. Play some of the…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Geography,  Home Education - Planning,  Learning,  Living

    Traveling to Asia, Resources

    As I shared in my previous post we are ‘traveling’ to Asia in the coming Term. I have been gathering together book titles (from home and the library), audio resources and online links. Just what countries we are visiting are primarily dictated by the books I have found. Online Resources National Geographic Map Game Online Games (Looks great) More Games World Geography Quiz World Geography Map Games Foreign Languages Foreign Languages Foreign Languages for Travelers Thanks to Marilyn for the above links. (I substituted Asia for Africa.) General Resources * denotes Library Bks DK Geography of the World Children Just Like Me Children Just Like Me: Celebrations! Global Art: Activities,…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Geography,  Home Education - Planning,  Learning,  Living

    Geography Goals

    This term we are ‘visiting’ Asia; by popular request. As Australia is part of Australasia I feel it important to know our neighbours. For the last week I have been working on detailed plans and truthfully I have found it difficult to gather my thoughts (and resources) as we have not often studied geography in a deliberate manner. After ‘putting the horse before the cart’ with details, and struggling; it occurred to me there was another, easier course to plot. It would be more helpful to consider just what did I want the children to come away from their ‘sojourn’ with? The answer is basic map, flora/fauna and cultural knowledge.…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Organisation,  Learning,  Living

    Creating An Art Centre

    One of my wishes for my ‘dream learning room’ is an art centre. As that event will be some time away I gave some thought as to how I could set up a temporary centre. My requirements were for a compact centre that contained the majority of supplies. We also needed a way to scoop all supplies off the table and away into the cupboard for meal times. Thinking I needed something like a tray I ventured into the shed to see what I could find. Imagine my delight when I spied this ‘builders box’ I had forgotten all about scooping up at a garage sale last year. Just perfect…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Organisation,  Living

    Our Workbox Adaptions

    A few months back there were discussions on 4Real regarding workboxes. I particularly liked the following idea which is more suitable for a large family and limited space. When I discussed the idea with PC we thought it would be too much work setting up and monitoring. Eventually I did set up a system but only for Princess(7) who was rather uninterested in her lessons. She was very excited when we first set up her boxes, she liked the idea of ticking off boxes on each folder, but I’ll be honest and admit they only held her interest for a day. I had shared the concept however with a couple…

  • Blog,  Hearth & Health,  Home Education,  Home Education - Nature Study,  Home Education - Reggio Emilia,  In the Sewing Room,  Living,  Rural Life

    Rock Pouches

    Our children constantly amaze me with their inventiveness. Recently we were given some jeans with the knees out, I immediately turned them into denim shorts for Michelangelo;) and threw away the offcuts. The children promptly ‘rescued’ the jean bottoms. Then they turned them inside out and ran a seam along the cut opening and instantly had a pocket. Slits were cut into one side and a belt was run through. The boys now have durable, attractive pouches for rock fossicking. A pastime that is popular here on our property.

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - Planning,  Living

    Beating the Winter Blues

    All term we have struggled to be enthused in our learning endeavours; perhaps it is the change in Season, perhaps it is simply time for a change. Our weekly expectations sheets were taking on a feeling of confinement. Whilst the tick boxes are rather beneficial in clarity of direction they had developed an unwanted factor. The children were working to complete ‘tick boxes’ and were doing the bare minimum. Their motivation for working was stifling and disappointing. Giving it some reflection we have come to a few conclusions. We, the children as well as PC and I, feel convicted as to the benefits of daily application in spelling, dictation/editing and…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Home Education - A Day in Our House,  Living

    A Day in Our House

    Wednesday morning I viewed our home through camera lenses; journey with us as I share. Here is Jack Jack striving valiantly to cut along straight lines. Michelangelo creating mask; he enjoys creating. Koala in her bedroom working on her English grammar. Einstein and Princess in the kitchen creating a science experiment. Why do my children always gravitate towards bi-carb and food colouring experiments? Carpenter at the table working on his maths. He has come a long way in maths this year, we are so proud of him. Jelly Bean and Jack Jack enjoying a jigsaw, with Jem looking on. Both amaze me with their ability, Jack Jack particularly. Morning Tea…