
  • Blog,  Celebration,  Celebration - New Year,  Musings,  Parenting

    10 Reflections on 2014

    The conclusion of a year always brings forth reflections on the closing year for me, I tend to think along the lines of ‘what do I take from the old to the new year’. Maxabella has posed several reflection questions which I thought worth pondering upon. 1. What word do you think best summed up 2014? Savour and nurture, as I can never say just one word;) Ten days before the dawn of the New Year we were blessed with our baby daughter Bella, she is also our tenth child. We could be considered ‘older parents’ though we don’t really feel like we are, yet in some ways we do as…

  • Blog,  Blogging,  Musings

    Your Favourite Posts and Mine of 2014

    As the year draws to a close it’s interesting to look back and note what posts resonated with you my readers, sometimes your favourites are mine, sometimes not.  It’s often a surprise to me which posts are the most popular, sometimes it’s the ones I labour long and hard over, often it’s the posts I dash off quickly, there’s just no way of knowing which posts will appeal to you. All I know is I must keep writing and I want to thank you, my readers for keeping on reading and commenting, I love that, I love the community we have built. Top hits for 2014 are the new pages installed…

  • Blog,  Musings

    Recent Thoughts

    This week I committed to Jen’s 7 Posts in 7 Days Challenge, always a good way to stretch myself as a writer. My blogging mojo has been uninspired of late, joining a challenge somehow revitalises me and suddenly I begin flowing with writing possibilities, my draft list has exploded with ideas. Last year when I accepted Jen’s challenge I posted a Waffle post, essentially a brain dump, as it was so well received I thought I’d treat you all to another;-)  My daily thoughts are influenced by various factors such as; family, prayer, children’s lessons, books, blog posts, emails from PC (he keeps me updated with the wider media) discussions with…

  • Blog,  Musings,  Parenting

    Regarding Fertility for ‘Those Who Ask’

    Seven weeks ago we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Our little darling fills our hearts with incredible joy and awe, we daily wonder at how blessed we are.  She is so beautiful, content and loved. Oh how loved she is and we constantly give thanks for her. Every child has their own unique story to weave, and the story of their birth is one of their first stories, one day our precious girl will ask to hear hers and at the moment there is a large blot on the fabric of her story.  No it wasn’t a traumatic birth, indeed the labour was rather quiet and peaceful. Like…

  • Blog,  Celebration,  Celebration - New Year,  Musings

    2014: Word, Goals

    Happy New Year!! A New Year, full of new possibilities, new opportunities, new experiences all waiting to unfurl. A New Year always brings with it the thought of fresh starts, a chance to begin again. Yet are we really beginning anew? It’s rather difficult when we aren’t starting with a blank slate, we travel into the New Year with ourselves, with our past successes and imperfections already imprinted. Reflecting over my past words and resolutions I see that my interests haven’t changed, each year I still struggle in certain areas, my goals are relatively the same, and I’m good with this, I’m comfortable. The word that has chosen me this year I’m…

  • Blog,  Blogging,  Musings,  Photography

    13 for 13: Favourite Photos for 2013

    Joining Pam in sharing my favourite 13 photos from 2013, a photo for each month, either ones shared previously or unseen gems.  In the interest of speed (for myself) I’m sharing previously shared photos from my blog posts. Though after completing this I wondered if I should have shared favourite pics of each child rather than favourite photos from each month. Something to work towards next year, ‘take more photos of each child.’ January Preparing for and assembling our pool, a family effort. This project was nearly our ‘Waterloo’. March Beginner readers enjoying the journey together. April Two brothers sharing a birthday week May I rarely remember to take photos of…

  • Blog,  Blogging,  Blogging - Link Ups,  Musings

    “Most” Posts of 2013

    Joining in with a link up over at Sarah’s, sharing our “most’ posts in the following five categories, Sarah does indeed like to issue challenges. Post with the most clicks Top clicks goes to Mega List of Lent/Easter books with 1931 clicks!!  Not sure where all these clicks are coming from, pinterest, spam..?? This totally amazes me and for any book lovers I have more book reviews listed at the top tab under Book Lists or head over to My Book Site.   Post with the most comments The Challenges of Blogging and Changes Within Blogosphere totally blew me away with 42 and 33 comments respectively.  Admittedly half of those comments are…

  • Blog,  Home Education,  Musings

    Embracing Our Unique Creativity

    As women we often have a tendency to compare ourselves, to look at others and think “Mary has it together so much better than I, she is always so patient and calm, she always stops to listen to her children, she bakes her own bread and feeds her family nutritiously, teaches her children to embroider and weave, plants her own crop and her children are involved in so many more enrichment activities than mine. I’m just a failure as a mother, I hardly do any of those activities with my children and I lose my temper and I don’t….” The truth is we are all unique, we have each been…

  • Blog,  Musings

    In Which I Waffle

    When Jennifer threw down the gauntlet and invited all to, “Join in posting 7 posts in 7 days” I was reasonably confident I could do it.  Being a list maker, I allocated a post to each day, Monday – portraits, Tuesday -finish the mammoth Confirmation post I’d been working on for days, Wednesday – fabric bins but first I’d have to make another to photo document, Thursday – a book review post, Thursday I ran out of blogging mojo. Book review posts take a fair amount of work, some can be days in the making.  Wanting something a little quicker I took a scan through my drafts of possible post…